Tribe island

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The sun shone down, in a stark ray against the ocean waves as they crashed against the beach creating their usual roar; as if almost to claim its futile dominance against the land. The ground rumbled a bit almost as if it was a response, but in all likelihood it was rather due to the rather large volcano located just slightly askew from the islands center. glancing between the two of them stands a lithe young woman. By appearance she would be barely old enough to drink. she stood resolute with her spear half focused on the water she was standing in and half distracted by the rumbling of the "fire mountain" when the rumbling finished; she returned to her task -spearing a fish- shes clothed in furs, and leaves, with animal sinew used as thread, she walks back to her basket which contains about 20 fish plops in the 21st, puts on the lid, and begins to walk back.

the island itself stands 5 miles at its longest with the "fire mountain" taking up a good 20 percent of the island, with a semi vibrant ecology this lends the island itself to be hospitable. provided there is no eruptions. as such there is a small village located south east a short walk from the foot of the volcano. the village interposed between the volcano and the woman makes the trek not difficult at all just a matter of going through the wooded underbrush. The trek was mostly uneventful as most of the wildlife hears the woman stomping about with the basket of fish.

halfway through the trek the fire mountain rumbles once again this time spewing out a large lava covered pyroclastic rock towards the southern end of the island. The woman begins to rush towards her small wooden village. The woman runs in exclaiming about her sighting of the "fire stone" and how the "fire mountain" must be angry about them. The elders dismiss her, only one a young man believes her. The elders begin discussing a way to take the "fire stone" back to the village and erecting a shrine to it. the woman pleads even with the help of the young man, the elders ignore her the others side with the elders for fear of being ostracized. seeing her words falling on deaf ears fear begins to grip her. the elders select men to bring the stone choosing as one the young man standing up for her. she turns to the young man around the same age as her, friends since they were young she pleads he nods, and refuses the elders. she takes her friend by the hand and they head into the underbrush. there's no sign of wildlife. the mountain rumbles one more time. spewing three more fire stones up into the sky...

the rumble lasts 5 minutes- "5 breaths"- they run back towards the beach. they make it to the water, and hear the waters roar and crashing waves. it seems like forever waiting with baited breath for the inevitable. the young man almost turns to disbelief when it happens.

a loud cracking rush expelling upward, with sulfur fire stones, lava and magma arc out of the fire mountain. she grabs his hand. the lava spills out on all sides. the liquid rock igniting everything in its path on its way downhill. they stare. fear and awe on their face. rumbling. burning. melting. destroying. they hold each other. the fire mountain teacher of fire. the aider of life. destroying everything in its path. the lava reaches the location of the village and it begins creeping towards them finally. As the lava approaches the water and starts hissing.
they move out deeper watching the lava bubble and cool. relief spills over them as they realize they are safe.

they wander the devastated land in wonder at the miracle. occasionally they'll find the sprouts of budding plants and thank the gods that they are safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2018 ⏰

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