003>Petalburg City, The Gym, and Meeting the Family!

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Ash and Moira were waiting for May to catch up, as they waited on a overlook of the town. Ash was pumped up to be battling the siblings dad, unknown to Ash that their father was the Petalburg Gym Leader. May was just now reaching the outlook, jogging slowly. "Hey Ash, Moira! Wait up!" May yelled out, waving her hands in the air.

May caught up with the two. Ash ran ahead even further, and Moira turned to her sister. "I've got to go pick something up. I'll see you back home, and make sure you meet up with Ash at our house," Moira said, waving her hand. She was stopped by many people, and made small conversations. She moved on until she came to one shop. She walked inside, Zorua on her shoulder as she was greeted by the store owner.

"You here for your order Moira?" he asked. "Yeah, thank you," she said, smiling. He dug behind the counter, and then pulled out a black belt with six clasps to hold a round object. He also pulled out a hexagonal container. "What's with the container, sir?" He smiled, "Always so formal. You see, Professor Birch contacted me about your case. This case can hold 49 pokeballs. It can have other containers added, but until then, this should be good. It can shrink in sized, much like pokeballs, so it can be carried easily without taking much space."

"Wow, thank you sir. How much?" Moira asked. "Just five for the belt, consider the case a gift," he said with a smile. Moira grinned, "Thank you," she said handing the money over. She grabbed he two items and placed them in her bag.

Zorua looked at the belt in confusion. "You see, this belt will allow me to access pokeballs outside of a bag. Just Incase something happens, I can grab one easily," she explained. "Now, all we have to do is head back home and change into something more suitable for travel."

• • • •

While Moira was gone, Ash got to the Gym and called out for the Gym Leader. "Can you please keep it down. I'm right in the middle of watching a video of the Silver Conference," an annoyed boy's voice said from behind him. Ash turned around to see a boy around the age of seven, wearing a green shirt, and brown shorts. He had black hair, and was wearing black squared glasses.

"Oh, I'm sorry kid," Ash apologized. The boy looked up, "Hey! It's you! It's really you!" he exclaimed, pointing a finger at Ash. Ash was confused as to how the boy knew him. The boy started to talk about how he lost in the second round, as Ash tried to argue that it was in the Victory Tournament.

Ash then exploded and exclaimed that he was just here for a Gym Battle. He boy then introduced himself as Max, and he claimed that he was the Gym Leader. Once Max explained that he needed three Pokémon and the rules of the Petalburg Gym, he ordered ash to reveal his Pokémon. They then started to get into another argument when May popped up in the window of the Gym.

May then explained that her father was the real Petalburg Gym Leader, and introduced the rest of her family. "Dad, this is the guy who lost in the second round in the Silver Conference," Max said. Ash mumbled something. "His name is Al," Max continued. "My name is Ash." That then started another argument.

• • • •

Meanwhile, Moira just reached her house, which also happened to be the Petalburg Gym. She walked inside to hear her brother say, "Man, I just wish I could have my own Pokémon. I'd just love to have a Treecko." Moira walked into the room to see her younger brother, Max, on the ground being picked by May's Torchic. "What am I walking in on now?" Moira questioned with a smile, and a hand on her hip.

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