Chapter 3 \(~^~)/

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(Time skip to when everyone starts coming over to the slumber party)

Laf POV:

I sat on the couch watching a cartoon Hercules put on the TV. I heard a very soft knock on the door, like who ever knocked didn't have the strength to knock on the door. Hercules didn't answer it, I assumed he didn't hear. The soft knock was followed by a more confident knock that was loud and abrubt,like someone had to knock for the person. This time he heard it and opened the door. I was turned my head to see who was there. I saw a tall man with huge fluffy hair and a magenta tee shirt with a picture of macaroni on it. He slightly looked like me. He had blue jeans on and his hands were crossed. I assumed he was the one who delivered the more powerful knock.

Next to him was a short man in a white polo shirt, the polo shirt was covered by some sort of blue vest. The vest was covered by a big blanket. He was also holding a tissue box. The short man broke out into a coughing fit and almost fell over. I assumed he had delivered the softer knock. "Ah Thomas James hello!" Hercules greeted them politely. As soon as he started talking I didn't care about who was at the door. I just watched Hercules talk fondly. I watched him as he kindly greeted them and let them into the house. My mind drifted off to me calling him amour. I mentally scolded myself.

"Who is that" I heard a voice call. It sounded strong and confident. I looked up and blinked to see the tall man standing over me. I was quite intimidated. "Thomas! Lay off! Thats Lafayette" I heard Hercules snap. 'Thomas' stepped away and put his hands up then stood next to the smaller man. Who must be 'James'.

They both sat down and the couch across from me, then another knock. This time it was a strong but not loud knock. Hercules opened the door to show a women with dark curles, a short pink dress with the words 'girls run the world' on the front, Pink heels and bright bubblegum lipstick. She looked confident and idependent with one hand one her hip. Hercules smiled as he let her in. She was followed by another girl.

This girl was more tall and slim. She has smooth straight black hair, She was wearing a blue dress with flowers at the hem of the dress, Soft blue eyeshadow and blue heels. This girl looked smart and honest. She smiled at Herc and quietly thanked him for inviting them. I presumed this was it.

Boy was i wrong

A third girl skipped in the room. She had brown curles pulled into a ponytail. She was wearing a yellow crop top which had a daisy on the front, Jean shorts, yellow sneakers and fishnets on her legs. She had a big smile, she was very lively and seemed younger than the other girls.

She smiled at Herc, "Hey herc!~" she said swaying back in forth on her toes. I looked at Hercules. He probably sensed my concern and decided to introduce me to the three girls.

"Girls, this is Lafayette he is my roommate" Herc said Introducing me first. The older looking one in pink smiled and waved. The youngest looking one in yellow turned around to give me a big smile "Hi~!!" She said happily waving at me. The soft girl in blue smiled at me. I waved back to the three

"This is Angelica" he said gesturing towards the older one in pink. She slightly nodded and smiled a bit. "This is Eliza" he gestured toward the one in blue. She politely smiled at me. Then came the last girl. "And this is-" Hercules started, but he was cut off by the girl saying

"AND PEGGY~!" She said jumping on her heels slightly. She gave me another wide smile and put her hands on her hips. I couldn't help but smile at the three. They were very different , independent and strong, Kind and caring and finally Upbeat and energetic.

When I first met them I assumed they were sisters, but seeing how different there personality's were, i was not sure anymore. Either way Hercules said " They are the Schuyler's" he said revealing that they were in fact related.

Thomas and James waved at them as they came over and sat on the couch. Hercules walked over and sat next to me. He took a deep breath "I sure do get tired from greeting people all day" he said complaining slightly. "You have only been standing up for about 10 minutes" I said laughing. "Stilllll" he whined adorably.

Forget the slumber party. I was already enjoying myself. But alas another knock was placed on the door. It was soft but at the same time commanding. Hercules opened it to reveal three men.

One looked tired and worn out. His eyes glimmered with faith and responsibility. His dark hair was pulled into a ponytail. He wore a white tee shirt covered with an open forest green jacket. He also wore some jeans that looked like they had been worn 700 times.

The man next to him had curly hair pulled into a ponytail aswell. His face was splashed with freckles. He smiled politely. He wore a white hoodie with orange sleeves but the sleeves were cut off at his elbows, leaving a half hoodie half shirt kinda look. He wore blue pants that kind of looked like sweat pants to me, but I could be wrong.

Another man stood behind both of them. His skin was dark and his face was quiet and serious. He wore a dark purple top that had a small heart at the top. He wore black jeans aswell. He stood with his arms crossed slightly looking away.

Hercules stepped away from the door to let them in. "Ah, John, Alex, and burr. Come on in" Hercules greeted politely. They all stepped in. Once again Hercules introduces everyone to me and me to everyone. 3 Schuyler's, And 5 boys, plus me and Herc. That meant  there was already 10 people. But didn't hercules say it was 9 other people?

I remember at some point Hercules had mentioned he was terrible at math. Maybe he counted wrong?

Hercules POV:

After letting John Alex and Burr I counted everyone not including me and Laf.


8? Aren't there supposed to be 9? I looked at john "Is everyone here?" I asked him still very confused. He pointed at everyone and mouthed there names as he pointed to them, mentally counting. He looked at me then at Aaron "Charles Lee?" He asked Aaron. Aaron nodded. "He couldn't make it, but Maria said she would take his place" He explained


I personally had no problem with this, as I did not like Charles Lee. I don't even know why laurens was gonna let him come because he and Charles got into a fight a long time. But on the bright side laurens won the fight. After that thought I heard a knock on the door. I looked at Laf. His eyes were closed, as if he was studying the knock. I smiled at this and went to open the door

"Hey" Maria said as I opened the door. She had on a red crop top, red jean shorts and fishnets on her hands and legs. She wore red adidas shoes, and bright red lipstick and eyeshadow. I could see Peggy was inspired by Maria's look. As Peggy tended to stray away from the normal Schuyler attire which was most often cute dresses and heels. But peggy rocked the Maria style better anyway.

She walked in and waved at everyone "Hey Guys!" She got excited when she saw Peggy and went over to sit with her. "Maria this is Lafayette" I said waving my hand to Lafayette who smiled at her "b-bonjour" he stuttered adorably. I smiled at him. She also smiled. Lafayette was a very easy to like person.

I looked around and counted again. Yep we had  everyone. Minus Charles Lee plus Maria. I walked over to the cabinets and pulled out the Walmart bags of food I had bought. I put them out on the table and everyone started to chose what they wanted to eat.

The chatter began with the Schuyler sisters. Talking about going to New York which was right near the college so it was not such a bad idea, though I knew there father was strict. Maria soon joined on the conversation.

The next people to speak up were Alex and John. Alex was talking about his essay he had 14 pages for already done. John was scolding his for overworking himself. Aaron sat down near Thomas and James and talked with them. Probably about Alexander's bull crap he pulled daily.

John clapped his hands abruptly successfully getting everyone's attention

And so the sleep over began....

(Hey guys I hoped you enjoyed this chapter sorry it took so long! But I left off on kind of a cliffhanger, the next chapter will probably take a long time to make So feel free to check out my one-shots book while you wait! This story was 1,576 words! See ya laterrrrrr)


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