Part 1

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Here I am, on my first day at my new high school. I'm pretty nervous, I don't know anyone at this school in fact I don't know anyone in this town. I used to live in Austin, Texas but my dad got a new job, in Los Angeles, California. So my dad and I had to move, it's for the best I guess I always got into trouble after my mum left us for some old guy with money that wanted no kids at all, thanks a lot mum. My dad told me if I got into trouble at my new school he'll put me on the streets, I know he doesn't mean it though I'm all he has left.

Oops I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Lily, I have dark brown hair that comes down to my hips, bright blue eyes and tan skin I take after my dad in look wise but I'm more like my mum, I'm 16, I have a twin brother named Lucas, a older sister named Tiffany and I have a younger sister named Zoey. Tiffany is 22 years old and she lives with her jerk of a boyfriend Zack back in Austin, she has blonde hair that comes to her mid back with blue eyes and olive skin, she takes after my mum. Zoey is 8 years old and has brown hair that comes down to her hips with deep blue eyes and tan skin, you can tell we are related and then there's Lucas he has blonde hair that comes just past his ears and it's a bit curly at the ends, he has blues eyes like mine and tan skin. I'm younger then Lucas by three and a half minutes and he always uses that against me.

Despite us being the same age we aren't in the same year, he decided to be smart and get put up a year, and leaving me behind. When he skipped a year things got worse for me. He was always the better twin everyone loved him. Now here I am at my new school, a year behind my brother. I'm a junior and my brothers a senior lucky him he gets to go to prom.

As I walk down the hall trying to find my locker I walk past my brother, who somehow already has friends, we just look at each other. He had a sorry look in his eyes I just gave him the death stare. We have a "deal" that we pretend not to know each other, he suggested it I just went along with it I didn't want to embarrass him. I finally found my locker, I open it and put all of the stuff in there. I close my locker with my science book in my arms pressed against my body, I check the time on my phone I have about 5 minutes until class starts and I don't want to be the first one to class.

I stand by my locker and notice this group of girls picking on a girl with long brown hair and black glasses. " you're a big, fat nerd, no one likes you, go back to ditch you came from" I hear the girl in the front said, she had blonde hair that came to her mid back, I've had enough listening to this girl, I walked over to them I can hear people whispering "what does she think she's doing" "does she even know who that is" I don't listen to them. I walk up to the girl and tap her on the shoulder "excuse me bitch, do you really think you could go around bullying someone and get away with" I say " oh yeah what are you going to do about it, you're just the new girl hey you are uglier that her" she points to the girl that's backed up against the locker "if you really think I'm uglier than her then look in a mirror sweetheart you aren't any better, in fact you aren't even pretty, I bet people just say that you are so they don't get hurt, but you aren't as pretty as you think you are" you say as I look deep in her stone cold blue eyes, she stares at me with anger in her eyes, I know I've done my job. Not knowing what to say she just looks away then look back at and then she slaps me right across the face " this is what you get, do you even know who I am, my name is Tess Smith, never cross me again" she says, she's about to
turn around but just before she does I yell " hey" she looks at me, smilies and laughs and say "what?" I pick up my fist and punch her right across her face making her fall down to the ground "if I were you Tess stay away from me and don't bully anyone again" she looks up at me, I can already see the bruise forming on her face, she gets up and run away.

I see my brother looking at me and shaking his head in disappointment, I just shrug it off and turn to the girl that's against the locker. I put my hand out the shake her hand "hi I'm Lily, what's your name?" I say, she just looks at me unsure of what to do she finally puts her hand out and shakes mine, "I'm Olivia but you can call me Liv, thank you by the way" she says "no problem, I hate girls that think they are better than everyone else" she laughs "same here but I would never stand up for myself" she looks down, I smile "well now you have me" she looks back up at me and smiles. "What class do you have?" I asks her "science with mr Austin, what about you?" "The same" I reply

As we walk to class Liv asks me "where are you from?" "Austin, Texas" I reply Liv gets really excited "why are you so excited?" I ask "this really cute guy from Austin came last year, you might know him" we both laugh. We are nearly to our class, we walk past my brother and besides me ignoring me he grabs my arm and pulls me back to him "what the hell were you thinking Lily, if dad finds out he'll put you on the streets" he looks at me, his eyes are filled with anger and his grip on my arm has tightened "oh you know he won't do that, I'm the only one out of all of his kids that is like mum and he won't want to lose the last thing of her" Lucas's grip becomes loose and his eyes go soft and full of sadness as I mention mum "yeah you're right, you are the only sibling that is like mum" Lucas sounds really sad now and all he does is turn away and leave, Lucas loved mum the most out of all of us so when she left he was really upset about it, it's a thing he had a twin that made him feel better. "Who was that?" Liv ask "it's a long story" I replied

We walked into class and noticing two seats together at the back next to some guy with his head in the text book. As we get to the seats I sit down and look to the side at the mysterious boy that's going to sit next to me all year hey looks up and he smiles, my face just drops "Hi Lily" "Cole!"


This is my first book hope you like it

Tell me what you think about it please

Sharnah :)

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