Chapter 7: Boy friend

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Selena's POV

'What the fuck!!!! I kissed who?' 

I screamed at Cass. Sakura was listening to Cass telling the story of yesterday.

'Come down, Sel. It was only a kiss. Cass was able to confess her feeling to Max. So, cheer up.' Sakura said as she patted me on the back.

'Yah! It was only a kiss.' Cass said.

'Yah! Only a kiss!' I snapped. 

I bet I sound like a three years old naughty kid right now. 

'It was my first kiss, and I gave it to that jerk.' I said again, almost bursting into tears.

'I'm sorry.' Cass said looking all sad. 'If I hadn't got so drunk...'

I'm so sorry, I'm so selfish. 

I looked up at Cass and Sakura who was both taller than me, feeling guilty.

'Please don't call me a jerk.' SOMEONE said as he walked over and sat beside me. 'You are the one that came and kissed me. How disappointed was that friend of yours? What was his name now? Cad? Cady?'

'You mean Caden?' Sakura asked. 'Yup, I think he thought you would kiss him. I think he is so stupid.'

'Please don't say that about my brother...' I said quietly.

'Brother?!!!' All three of them started to stare at me like I just swallowed a frog or something.

'You take him as your brother?' Haze and Cass both asked me.

'What do you expect?'

'Well, that's good news...' Haze mumbled.

'I thought you...' Cass said as she mumbled the rest of the sentence.

Shit, what did I say that was wrong!

'I think it's time for you to get a boyfriend, Sel.' Cass said, she looked over at Haze. 'There's one right there for you.' She hit me on the shoulder. 

'Let's drop this topic.' I sighed. 'I have no interest in boys... kissing and drama. Blah, blah, blah...'

'I'll help you, how about that?' Haze said with a big smile. 'I've dated so many girls in my life.'

'You?' I looked at him with the corner of my eyes.

'You can try dating me, and if you like dating me. You can try dating someone else when you're tired of me.'

'I'll think about it.' I said, maybe I should try.

It will surely piss the fangirls, I like the idea.



.(We went to the KTV, there we can have some privacy)

'First, you have to try to make your boyfriend like your looks, and you can't be shy.'


'I'm sure you will be going on dates, depends on your boyfriends, you will have to dress and do your makeups according to his likes.'

'Why he?!!' I said. 'Don't I get to wear what I like?'

'Come on. If you want a boyfriend, you've got to satisfy him.' Haze said. 'I guess you are not the type of... Any way... You've got a long way to go.'

'Are you like that?' I asked, looking at him confused. 'I am who I am, I do not change myself for my damn boyfriend.

'Of course....not, Sel. I won't mind if it's you.' Haze said sighing.

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