School too, was just as her home- cold and indifferent. As soon as class was over, a girl in braided hair walked to Nina's seat and banged her hand on the table. "Hey you, new girl in town. Everyone's talking about you. All the attention doing you good,huh?", she scowled.
"I've been here longer than you, Meredith. But I don't blame you for not taking notice", Nina sighed as she packed her bag and headed home.
The streets were busy with people, laughter all around. The sky was hollow, silence above. She couldn't help but stop and stare.
"Look at the sky, look how it screams a darker shade of blue.
The colour of sorrow.
And yet it looks so beautiful."
The gurgling sky stopped her train of thoughts. And soon enough, it began to pour.
A drop on her cheek slowly trickled down to her chin. And for a moment there, she felt an ache in her heart. For every drop that fell from sky, was a tear of hers she couldn't cry.
PoetryFeelings. One disastrous yet wonderful word. A poetical story to give a glimpse into the life of a young girl who has an ocean full of feelings yet finds it hard to express them.