chapter 4

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Lake has been hanging out with me again and if I'm honest I dont like it.Like he didnt want me weeks ago but as soon as I'm with Noah he's all over me,but I missed him so much that I couldnt tell him to leave.

  Today I was staying in because I was sick with a cold.Emma went out with her mates so lake was hanging out with me.He was very annoying.

"... Why are you dating Noah?.He asked laying on my bed.

"Because I like boys and oh he is one.Why do you even care".I asked from the window.

"Well no way really! But why him there are better guys out there that would love to date you".He said looking at me like I'm only 2 years old.

"What the fuck do you want me to say?!".I shouted at him.I lost it and it was all his fault he pushed me to far this time.

"The bloody truth Sky! What is going on? Come on tell me".

"Fine! I liked this guy,I've known him for 7 years.He has cat green eyes,dark black hair but you see he started to date my step sister so I went out with some one YOU didnt want me!".I said raising my voice and now its out.

"You liked me? Why didnt you tell me?".He sat up and looked at me.

"Because you didnt feel the same about me!".I hissed.I was hurting him and I could tell but didnt care.

"Oh".He stood up and walked to the door and added "I have to go bye".He ran away like I was going to kill him.That was it I am sick of being "little" Sky to everyone.I rang Noah and told him to come around,I am sick to death of being the good child that does everything the right way and never gets into trouble.Now that girl is dead.

  When Noah came around I was having second thoughts about doing this but I pushed the thoughs to the back of my mind.

"Hey babe".Noah said kissing the top of my head when I opened the door for him.I led him to my bedroom,he followed me with out saying anything,I think he knew what was going to happen which kinda made it easier for me in a way.

  When we got into the room I pushed him onto the bed,he smiled up at me and I straddled his lap.He pulled me down and kissed me hard on the lips.I liked it and kissed him back as hard as I could.I could feel hip hand going up my top to grope my boob.He rolled us over so that he was on top of me and I was under him.I moved my hand down to his jeans to open the fly and he was alreayd hard.Soon enough we were both naked and he fumbled a bit but he soon entered me.I have to say it hurt like hell but I moaned and so did he.It was amazing and I felt great when it was all over.

"That was amazing and all but I have to go to work,I'll be back later".He got dressed and left me there,I was starting to think that maybe that was a bad idea.I mean now that I gave it to him he might leave me.Why am I such a fuck up? But I cant go back and change it,whats done is done.

When Emma got home that night she knew something was wrong with me and wouldnt leave me alone until I told her.

"If you dont tell me I'm not going to leave,Your choice".She sat at the edge of my bed.Our dad was still in work and my mam was in her room like she always is after work,so I couldnt even talk to her about any of this,So that left Emma.

"Its Noah,you see I gave it to him and soon after it he left and now I'm scared in case he leaves me and he was the only friend I had left".I was looking of into the distance,I couldnt look her in the eye,pathetic I know.

"What you had sex with Noah? Wow".I could tell she was smiling and when I said nothing she went on."What do you mean he was your last friend? What about me and Lake?".She sounded hurt but I had no idea why.

"What do you mean I still have you?You have made my life hell.You told the whole school I was with Noah and you also took Lake from me thats why I'm in this mess all beacuse of you".You could hear a lot of hurt in my voice.

"I got you into no mess! You slept with Noah and it had nothing to do with me.And I never took lake away from you.So how dare you say that".She was no longer hurt but now shewas angry and it was all down to me.

 "It is all your fault ! If you never showed up I would be with Lake and none of this would of happened".I shouted at her.I made sure I put venom behind my words.She looked like she was about to say some thing but my mam came into my room and glared at us with a murderously look.I was beyond caring at this point.

"What the fuck is all the shouting and screaming for!"She hissed.You never see my mam like this and its scarey.

"Nothing I was just going out".I grabbed my stuff and walked past them but my mam grabbed my arm.

"You are staying here and thats it.Emma back to your own room and stop shouting".She walked back to her room and Emma did what she was told.For that I was half happy.I think I was too hard on her but I will not get any where in life if I keep thinking that.Well that is what my dad says so it muct be true.

I tried to get a hold of Noah but he wouldnt answer my class or texts.So I was right he wants nothing to do with me now and it was because I made a silly choice.

 I didnt sleep that night,I couldnt.I kept thinking about how my life could of been if I never meet Noah and never felt anything for Lake but every time I did I couldnt see any thing.So maybe this was meant to happen.You learn from your mistakes so maybe this was one of them.I just wish things could go right for me once in a while.


hope you liked it 

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