chapter 7

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Any day now and my baby will be born.I cant wait,I look like a whale as my dad says.Everyone is happy that the baby is nearly here but not as happy as I am.My mam is knitting things for the baby,Emma is giving me baby names,my dad cant wait to teach it football if its a boy and Lake and I just cant wait to hold the baby in our arms.

  Noah took my advice and never came around,Emma understood that Lake wanted to be with me and not her.She knew it would happen sonner or later.I'm not going back to school because I dont want to miss anything .My parents hate the idea but they're not making me do something I dont want to do.Its not like I'm leaving anyone behind so its Ok with me.

    Today was just not my day,I had really bad pains.I lay on the sofa all morning,evenyone was rushing around me and trying to do things for me.Lake has been staying in my house these past few weeks,but today is was out looking for a house for us to move into.His parents are proud of him for doing something like this.Even though I'm fat he still made me go to dinner with him.People kept looking at me but he told me to enjoy myself and I really did.I had so much fun.

  Sometimes I wish my life was different but then I change my mind because the baby would kick and I would smile.This may be the best thing that happens to me apart from Lake that is.

The pain was getting stronger and I couldnt bare it.I stood up to walk around but when I did I peed myself or at least I thought I did.I screamed in pain and my mam cam running in.She smiled ar me,I wanted to scream at her for smiling while I was in pain.

"Emma,Mark its time".My mother sang.I knew what that meant.Emma got the baby bag,my dad got the car ready while my mam helped me out to the car.

When we got to the hostipal the baby was so close .They brought me to the labour ward,I lay down on the white ugly bed while my Doctor took a look down there.

"Looks like your almost ready to push".he smiled up at me.Prev.

"Where the fuck is Lake".I screamed.I wasnt angry but the pain was just to mush.It was like I was being torn open from the inside out.The contractions were coming faster and they were getting more painful by the second.But Lake still wasnt here and I was beginning to panice,I couldnt do this with out him.

When it was time to push Lake ran through the doors out of breath.He was all sweaty,he came over to the side of my bed and held my hand.

"Ok Sky this is it,on the next contraction I want you to push as hard and as long as you can".The Doctor said and then a contraction hit before I could say anything.I squeezed Lakes hand and pushed as if my life deoended on it,well it did but thats not the point.I pushed until I couldnt push anymore.

"I cant do it,I cant".I was a bit out of breath and wet with sweat.I looked around the room.But it was like any room in a hospital,white walls and floor,a bathroom.a grey bedside table and then the ugly white bed I was laying on.There was also a window on the right side opposite the white door.Everything was white.

"You can,come on,one more big push and thats it".He smiled again and then went back down.I took a deep breath and as soon as it hit again I pushed and pushed,Then the baby was born.I laughed when I could hear it cry.

"Its a girl.You had a beautiful baby girl".The Doctor handed me her,I smiled and looked down at her,he was right she was beautiful.She looked so mush like Noah but the only thing that was different was her lips,they were like mine.

"What are you going to call her?".Lake asked while he moved my hair out of my eyes.I looked at him,he looked really happy and his eyes were shining.

"I'm calling her . . . Faith Rae Carter".

"Why are you using my last name and not yours?".Lake looked happier and confused all at the same time.

"I know but ir sounds nicer with your last name then mine".I smiled at him.I never want im to leave no matter what happens.I dont think I could deal with it and bring up Faith on my own.He grinned from ear to ear at me.

  My parents left with Emma so I could rest and Lake put Faith into the little bed thing you get.I felt really tired but I couldnt stop looking at my baby.Its amazing how two people could make a person.I couldnt help but feel bad that Noah wasnt here to see his baby being born but he lost his chance when he called me a whore.Lake was going to be a great dad and treat Faith the right way and she would never know Naoh was her realy dad.

   On second thoughts thats not really fair,I mean I wouldnt like it if I couldnt see my baby,I would go mad.So I cant really make Noah stay away.But Lake wouldnt like Noah being around.But its not really up to him.

I need sleep,I couldnt think right,I shouldnt be thing at all I just had a baby.Theres something wrong with me.I need help and for Faiths sake not mine.

"Hey you look tired,get some sleep and if Faith wakes up I'll see to her".He wispered but not so low that I couldnt hear him.

"Yeah Ok thanks.Oh will you ring my mam later and ask her to bring me clothes and stuff".I said while I lay down and wrapped the blanket around myself.

"Of course I will".He kissed the top off my head.He sat down in the plastic chair.I closed my eyes and as soon as I did sleep took over me.

I found myself pushing a pram in the park.The sun was high in the sky,there wasnt even a cloud.I was wearing a short yellow summer dress with white pumps.Faith was asleep in the pram.I hadnt an idea how I got here but I dont really care it seemed nice.

"Babe wait up!".Shouted a familiar voice.I stopped and turned around.I saw Noah in a pair of  faded jeans,black vans and a tight white t-shirt.He was running and when he got to my side he stopped and leaned over putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath.I was a bit confused to say the least,I just looked at him for a while.But I finally said something.

"What are you doing here".Its sounded dumb when I said it out loud but I couldnt take it back now.

"Babe what are you talking about?".He looked confused as if he saw a duck dance.I stood there,this didnt look like Canada more like London even thought I have never been there.But that wasnt the point.

"Wheres Lake and my parents?".I asked begining to panic a little.

"Your parents are at home back in Canada and I dont know where lake is no one does,you know all this".He looked at me like I lost my mind,I knew none of this,I couldnt breath then Faith started crying and some one was calling my name but it seemed so far away.

I bolted up right in bed,Lake was standing over me but I jumped back a bit.I put my hands over my face and took a deep breath.I was back in the white hospital room.I lay back down and rubbed my hands over my face.It was all just a dream.

"Sky are you ok?You look a little pale?".

"I'm fine just had a bad dream".I took my hands from my face and opened my eyes.I smiled at him maybe the dream was trying to tell me something.What if Noah really was meant to be apart of Faiths life? And here I am stopping that from happening.Does that make me a bad mother?

"Ok.Look I need some coffee would you like some?".

"No but I would like some tea though".I smiled again even though I really wanted to cry and not because of the pain.He left and I got off the bed to look out the window.When I got there I nearly died.The park from my dream was across the road from the parking lot.Was this a sign? Maybe not because in the dream we werent in Canada we were some where else.Ugh I dont know I guess I need to sort things out and make the right choice for Faith.But what was it? 


sorry it took so long I had a few prombles at home in all ..... but here it is enjoy xxx

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