~ Archive Seven ~ Mailon & Gauge ~

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There are many words to describe Mailon. Nuisance, prankster, imbecile, whichever you wish. He tackles people to the ground and insects in their cots. He used to tackle Bodi, but he has learned his lesson. Don't tackle Bodi, or Bodi will tackle you. Bodi also keeps a small bottle of pepper ointment in the pocket of her trousers. I have had to wash Jay's eyes countless times. Sadly, he still hasn't learned that lesson.

Mailon has tried to be "cool" all his life. Needless to say, it has been unsuccessful. Mailon has short, caramel-colored hair. It used to be longer, but Gauge set a patch on fire two months ago so we had to cut it short. He has lightly tanned skin and dimples when he smiles.

Mailon is what we call a pyrokinetic. Which, unfortunately, aids in his desire to create disasters. Mailon and Gauge have a tendency to create disasters. Countless times I have had to send them to their rooms because they set the kitchen counters on fire.

Gauge is strange, to say the least. He's obsessed with blowing things up. You'd hope an ordinary fifteen-year-old male would rather spend his time eating food or reading books. But no. He would rather make bombs and blow his room to pieces. Which is fabulous.

Mailon and Gauge are the best of friends, almost as close as the shadow sisters. 

Gauge. The very confusing, yet predictable Gauge. Actually, here's a question for ya'. What is worse than a fifteen-year-old boy, whose hobbies consist of blowing things up, and setting things on fire? The answer you ask?... A fifteen-year-old boy who can also, move things with his mind.

Yes. Gauge is Telekinetic. I'm hoping that at this stage in his adolescence is the worst of it all. But more than likely, he's just an ass, all the time. It became apparent to me that the likely reality is that he won't change, he'd just get more, and more, and more annoying. Sucks to be me, huh. 

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