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My heart feels torn
All to pieces

Your words were strong
I was feeling things I couldn't explain
In the end,
You played my heart and my feelings
When the entire time
I was skipping because you felt the same
Life lied to me
I was blinded
I lay here
My heart beating fast
Because I don't know how to feel
Nothing feels the same

I wish I could go back
Everything was a mystery
I was happy
You made me happy
I had something to look forward to
I didn't go to sleep at night, sad or crying sometimes
And I didn't wake up that way either
I've always just wanted someone like you
You shook my world
I woke up
I realized
I noticed things
I felt strong
Now I am weak again
Back in my place
Crying too often
Constant headache
Listening to depressing songs
Always in my sad hours
Praying to get through the day
And hoping something great would happen
I deserve better
And so do you

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