It hurts
It hurts when you can't have the one you want
It's like life is defying you
And that life doesn't love you back
That one person has someone else
When you know it should be you
I call it silent murder
They don't know what they're doing
They don't hear it
Nobody hears it
But you
A dagger plunging into you
Twisted into your tissue
Your vessels and cells
Straight in your heart
And that knife doesn't come back out until that person has realized
Until they realize what happened
How they made you feel
All the tingles you got
All the butterflies
And how flushed you'd get
All of those thoughts you had
Images, imagines, imaginary
And now it's sadness
Pictures in your mind
Like a slideshow of what you wished would happen
But silly you
What do you know
He doesn't love you
Nor would leave his lover for you
It's all in your head
It's just a crush
Don't think about it too much
You'll get hurt
He's still cute though
What's his name again?
Nicole's Poems [CC:A]
PoezieFeel free to read as much as you like. I'm going to post poems every-so-often because that's what I love. I'm in no organization or working for anyone. I am not claiming to be the best or to be hired for something. This is just me feeling free. Tha...