Chapter 7: The Beginning of Battles

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When Asyria woke up, she found herself in a white room. Where am I? She looked around, trying to find out where she was. So far, all she could make out was white walls and surprisingly no doors. With no luck, she simply sighed and leaned against the wall. Where are the others? And where is the exit so that I can get out if here?

"Seems that you've woken up.". Asyria, startled by the voice, jumped and grabbed for her dagger. As expected, it wasn't there. And that voice is something that she can never forget. HE was the reason she left.

"What do you want?" asked Asyria. The voice chuckled and said, "Well I do need a little entertainment until it is time for me to return-", "But how are you speaking to me? You're still burning in Hell!", "Yes I suppose it's true. But thats not important. Try the dark hallway on your left.". Confused, Asyria turned to her left and there was a black door.

"But that wasn't-", "Are you going to go in or not? I'm a very impatient man.". Asyria not convinced of this man's act replied, "And if I refuse?". A long pause passed between her and the invisible man.

"Then everyone you hold most dear will die by your hand.".


Sam woke up from his sleep as someone was banging against the wall.

"Son of a bitch!!!!", Dean screamed as he slammed his whole body against the wall. While Dean continued to try and break down the wall, Sam let his eyes wander around the room. As far as he could tell, there was no way out. No furniture and no doors, windows. All of the walls were crisp white and had no flaws. It was almost too perfect for a prison.

"Do you two mind giving me a hand?!" Dean yells. Cas looks at Dean with a sad look on his face and shakes his head. Dean looks at him with a shocked look on his face, "Why not?! Don't you want to save her?! Don't you want to know if she's safe?! What kind of friend are you?!". Castiel slammed Dean against the wall and yelled, "Do you think I can help her? Because if you can give me a way how, then I'll take it! But since there is absolutely no way that I can help, with no way of escaping, just sit down and wait for someone to help us.".

Castiel roughly let go of Dean before letting out a stressed sigh and sitting down across from Sam. Deep inside, Dean knew Cas was right, but he can't just sit here and wait. For all he knew, Asyria could be tortured by those damn bastrds at this very moment. Dean shook his head and continued to ram his fist against the wall, still not making a single mark against the clean surface.

"Give up already! There's no way out.". Sam jumped and looked up at the ceiling to find no speakers. So how is he-

"It's from the telepathic field Sammy. And there's no point in trying to break the wall. It's cast iron. Nothing can escape.", "What did you do with Asyria?! If you hurt her-", "Don't worry Deano she's fine. For now. If you would please open the door to your left Sammy. If you want her to stay alive of course." said Moriarty.

Sam turned his head to find a worn out door, with splatters of dried blood over the tattered red paint. Dean stepped up to the door, took a good look at it and scoffed, "What the hell is in there anyway?".

Moriarty chuckled and said, "If you want her to live... you will go through that door. NOW!". Dean jumped at the sudden out burst and put his hands up in surrender. Sam and Cas slowly got up onto their feet and walked up to Dean.

"Are you sure?" Sam asked, already knowing what the answer was. They came this far... they're not backing out now.

"I'm sure" Dean replied. Sam and Cas nodded and without a second thought, the two brothers and the angel proceeded as one.


"Got anything?" Myra asked. It has been two hours already and they still haven't found a way out yet. Even Sherlock had a hard time trying to find one.

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