☕︎ Chapter Two ☕︎

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You're whalecum for two chapters in possibly one day? Idk when I'll publish this smh. Anywaaaay, enjoy this second filler chapter. :) Hehehehehh
Would you guys prefer First (In Jimin's perspective) or Third POV? (Control over everything 😈) personally I like 3rd better but I'm also better at writing 1st.. so idk let me know kk this ones first bye


1sT~> Park Jimin ♡

"Tae tae!!" My best friend beamed at me, opening his arms in a jazz pose and screaming in his pastel pink apron.

"CHIM CHIM!" And suddenly I was engulfed in the boys arms, customers around us sipping their coffee while staring in discomfort.

We both giggled and swayed around, before letting go. I held Tae by his arms and inspected him. "You're taller than me now!" I whined, suddenly self aware of my shortness.
Tae smirked and wiggled his eyebrows, nodding before skipping back to the counter.

I waited by him as he took some other customers order, letting myself take in how much the Pastel Cafe changed since I last worked here.

The walls were now different colors. The back wall behind the counter being a pastel baby blue, the cups and plates behind varying from a ton of Easter looking colors.
One wall was a light, light pink, across from it being a chic yellow. A pastel green was painted around the doors and big windows, creating a comforting aura.

Cute, light red round tables held a white lace design with a glass protector over it, the red flowy under the face of the table. The chairs surrounded the tables and booths looked rather comfy: all leather, a pearl white.

Pictures of the staff and development process made the cafe seem a little more homey, flower pots and various decorations appearing throughout.

I smiled softly at the memories I made here.

"Jimin!" Tae called, so I turned around and realized I've been walking around the cafe.
(A/N sorry I accidentally wrote this part in 3rd because 😭 I'm lazy okay)
He strolled over to his friend again, only to be grabbed, a little too aggressive than he'd like, and suddenly a lilac purple apron was shoved over his head.

"Wait- Tae!"
(Back to 1st pov SOrry)
I pouted and turned around as Taehyung tied the apron.
"I don't work here,"
"Well you should." Tae retorted, snorting. I rolled my eyes but smiled, walking around back and through the kitchen doors to find my oh so favorite cook. And the only cook I knew.

"Jinnieeeee~" I called sweetly, chuckling as I heard the pans stop clattering.

"IS THAT CHIM CHIM I HEAR?!" I heard a shriek before I was engulfed in a motherly hold, my head being coddled by Jin above me.
He cooed and looked me over, squealing.

"Jin you're so gay,"
"OW! Don't hit me!"
I rubbed my arm and frowned, leaning away from Jin's dirty white apron.

"That's hyung to you, young man." Jin scolded, and I tried not to roll my eyes at his motherly attitude.

"Okay eomma." I smirked and ran out of the kitchen before I was slapped by Jin's evil spatula.

"Is Hobi working?" I asked, becoming high in excitement to see one of my best friends.

"JIMINSSI!" I hear a familiar voice call, and I smile and whip around towards the entrance of the cafe.

"Hoseok!!" We both run towards each other and I jump up,
Curse my short height,
And we spin around and hug.

"I missed you! Where have you been?" He asked, and I felt the atmosphere immediately change to a joyful one~ no longer calm in Hobi's presence.

Hoseok took off his mask and adjusted his pink baseball cap, the three rings jiggling on it. It matched his light pink sweater, and sky blue ripped jeans.

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