✃ Chapter Six ✃

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So I kinda have no plan for this chapter so I'm just kinda going along with whatever goes through my head.
Aka, I put on random music on shuffle and try to be inspired 🤷🏼‍♀️
don't soil your panties...

park jimin ✃

From Jimin's hunched position on the single stool in front of the kitchen island, he couldn't see much of the living room. He didn't really want to see.

He couldn't really block out the sound either. He was clutching his head in his hands, pulling his own hair as he tried to block out the sounds coming from behind him.

He couldn't go upstairs, unless he wanted to actually walk past the scene and witness it.

Jimin wasn't ready for that, yet.

Moans upon moans came from the couch, an unsettling, cringe-worth squelching sound coming from the couch as it was rocked into the wall.

Bang, bang, bang.

The pristine white walls would surely have major paint chips once they were done.

Upon every sound that came from the doorway Jimin would cringe. He'd squeeze his eyes shut and grit his teeth, tugging his own hair till when he pulled his hands back, handfuls of short orange hairs would cling to the perspiration on his stubby fingers and fat palm.

His glasses were crooked on his round face, pale with dark circles under his eyes from the lack of sleep.

Ever since he and Jungkook had that fight (which Jimin was still confused what the reason was, really) he's been bringing home random bimbos, even going as far as bringing home women to, Jimin didn't know, he guessed to piss him off. (?)

It's not like he wanted to know why, either. He's perfectly okay with any other relationship Jungkook had besides him, but this was too far.

He remembered the night earlier when Jungkook was making dinner, and for the first time in a year, didn't make Jimin any and instead, commanded Jimin to eat the burnt rice left in the pot.

To say Jimin was furious was an understatement. Jungkook would do every single little thing to annoy Jimin, as if to get back at him for something.

Jimin was starting to wonder if Jungkook was mad now for the incident he did at his parents' house. Even though Jungkook convinces Jimin that it wasn't his fault and it would be okay, he still felt guilty after Jungkook's parents found them fucking like rabbits on their own bed.

His fucking parents' bed.

  Maybe it wasn't that. Maybe it was the time Jimin accidentally slit his arm with the steak knife, or when he ripped up his supreme sweater when he just really wanted it off him.

Maybe it was just Jimin. Was Jungkook getting tired of living with him? If so, he could gladly move out...

For now, he pushed those thoughts aside and tried to focus on his now cold cereal instead of the moans and creaks from the couch.

— ✃

It was later that night when it hit him;
Jungkook was mad because of him and Yoongi.

Jimin couldn't have been more oblivious, and in that moment he beat himself up for it. Jungkook was possessive, needy, yea, but he wouldn't had ever knew he was so attached.

That was probably why he was fucking around; to make Jimin jealous as he had to Jungkook.

Jimin certainly wasn't intending to.    Sure, angry sex with Jungkook was amazing, but never would he had thought it would bother the younger.

Jimin was starting to think Jungkook was developing feelings for him, but— no, that's impossible.

The more time went on it seemed to be true, and Jimin was trying harder and harder to get it out of Jungkook himself. He wanted to hear it.

And of course, through this single week everything happened, Yoongi hasn't texted him back. It hurt him to the fullest, seeing as he had that amazing night and the mention of a contract came up. Like really, what could be more serious than a fucking contract?

Jimin didn't really like initiating conversations. Especially with Yoongi, even though he just knew he'd probably force himself within two days if he didn't get a word.

Maybe he should confess about the glass plug standing inside a cotton filled cup on his dresser, just so he'd get an excuse to see Yoongi again.

    But for now, he was focused on Jungkook. 


Jimin's voice was small in the darkness of the night. The kitchen was illuminated by the light peeking out of their broken fridge.

Jungkook's back was to Jimin at the moment, his hair the only thing visible thanks to the glowing clock on his phone that read 10:06 pm.

Jungkook visibly tensed up, and he took a deep breath, but he didn't turn around. He hummed, shutting his phone off and leaving them in almost complete darkness.

Jimin heard some shuffling and he assumed Jungkook was now facing him.

He took the hum as an answer, and opened his mouth to speak.

He hesitated, noticing the air was heavy. A frightening kind of heavy, and suddenly he thought of backing out. Again.

He took a deep, shaky breath.

"Why are you ignoring me?" His voice came out stronger and more demanding than he meant to; but in reality, it's what he was feeling.

"Jimin — how can you be so fucking oblivious?!"

Jungkook snapped at Jimin, the older recoiling back immediately.
"Listen, can we at least just go back to friends? Nothing else?"

Jimin heard Jungkook huff and mutter something under his breath, something that Jimin knew was an agreement, but at the time he didn't really care what the younger said, he was just glad that Jungkook agreed.

Jimin smiled to himself and padded out of the kitchen again, walking to his room.

It was so dark he tripped on multiple clothes scattered in his room, probably not his
(Which he should've been pissed at Jungkook for sleeping with someone in his room, let alone even his bed)

But he didn't have it in him to be pissed.


Jimin forgot about his phone in his boxes and nearly jumped five feet when he felt it against his ass, squealing very un-manly.

He scrambled to get his phone, the bright screen half blinding him in the midst of the night.

Min Yoongi:
Meet me at the Pier down by the Pastel Cafe. 10 minutes max.


Ahh okay this didn't take me that long to write but I kinda like it, even tho it's a filler chapter..
Sorry I didn't write that much this time. :P
Lol why am I even writing AN's anymore no one reads them
No smut for next chap, sorry my dudes

the movie trailer plot is starting now ;) prepare yo selves. Otherwise
pastelwaves 🌸🌊 like my new user? ;) it took me like a week to get it smh.
Word Count: 1157

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