Superhero Vacation?

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After several months of non-stop training & saving the world, all of the Avengers were exhausted... both physically and mentally. Knowing how low we all were feeling, Tony set up a few days of fun and relaxation for everyone. It started off with full body massages and as much pampering as one would allow. Natasha, Wanda and myself took in every ounce of pampering we could possibly receive while most of the boys settled for deep tissue massages and long naps. Of course the man who set all this up would barely sit still, all of us tried to get him to enjoy it but the most we could manage was a 15 minute massage. I've yet to understand how this man works non-stop, I mean I know a lot of coffee & alcohol are involved but damn.

Next was an actual vacation, to be honest we were all a bit shocked when Tony said we would all be vacationing at his beach house in the Hamptons. After a little bit of convincing (when have you heard of a superhero taking a vacation?), we all started packing. Of course we were all excited, knowing how extravagant Tony could be we knew the set up would be incredible... But I couldn't help but wonder if everything would be ok without us here.

Luckily my worries were put to rest when Vision & Wanda volunteered to stay behind and keep an eye on everything. When Wanda told me I couldn't help but giggle, they would stay behind to actually get some privacy AND monitor everything.

We all headed off into our individual bedrooms to start packing, as I approached my door I was stopped by Natasha.

"Hey Y/n, what all are you packing? I swear if you just bring jeans & T-shirt's I'm going to throw your bags into the ocean" she said with a wink.

I chuckled, I was not the one to overly dress up when I didn't have to, I'd always take comfort over aesthetics.

"Well for your information, all of my jeans have been stolen and oddly enough replaced with shorts short enough to just cover my ass." I gave her a knowing look sticking out my tongue.

She laughed and hugged my shoulders, "i promise I'll give them back when it gets cold again, and I did leave those cute black ones with the rips.... you know, Tony's favorites?"

My face immediately dropped as I dragged her into my room.

"Nat, you've got to be quiet about that. Just because you caught Tony looking me over a few times doesn't mean anything. He is a playboy billionaire who can have anyone in the world"

She rolled her eyes and walked over to my closet pulling out items to pack, "y/n you know it's more than that. He checks you out constantly, he makes sure all of your needs/wants are met first & sometimes before you even know you need them..."

"But that..."

"No buts y/n! The man knew your period was about to start the day before, he had everything you needed & normally want ready for you. He was doing his damndest not to get a damn erection while watching you get that massage and he may or may not have asked me if you had enough summer-ish cloths"

I knew immediately I had the most dumbfounded look on my face as she turned towards me with several items of clothing in her hand, "so being the honest friend I am, I told him honestly your summer wardrobe was terrible. So you got a new wardrobe and I got a few items for myself. Which I must say I pick out some fantastic swim suits and even a dress or three"

As she finished laying out all of the item I was actually pretty impressed. There were several pairs of shorts, few tank tops and fitted t's and only two dresses. The swimsuits she bought weren't as "showy" as she would wear, but they looked like they would be flattering... until I got to the last one, "Nat I am not wearing this one."

I held it up to her, it was a beautiful *your favorite color* two piece with accent crystals along the top. "This wouldn't cover half of my ass or boobs!!"

She smirked taking from me and threw it in my bag, "Tony's room has a private pool entry and a hot tub."

As I was about to respond with a smart comment her hand covered my mouth, "you're taking it either way so hush, finish packing and if you take it out I will play that video from your birthday over loud speaker so everyone can hear your drunk seal impression"

I glared at her and immediately shut my mouth, with that handled she smiled walking out of my room. I stood there for a second, still a bit dumbfounded.

Natasha was a spy, she was incredible at what she does and if she's seeing Tony acting differently maybe there's more to this...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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