chapter 6

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Soon enough, all four people were at Daroga's house. The man in questions showed them to where they would each sleep. Claudine looked atround the room she was shown to with a small smile. It would be strange to sleep in a room by herself. Violetta looked around she stood close to Claudine's side and explored with her eyes.

"If you follow me, Mademoiselle Violetta, Erik, I will show you where you'll both be sleeping." Daroga told them.

Claudine timidly entered her room and sat on the bed.

"Oh, gratzi, Daroga..." Violetta smiled, not blushing as much anymore due to the time she had spent with Daroga recently.

Daroga smiled and showed her to the room next to Claudine's, then showed Erik to the door after the first one. "This is where you can sleep... The music room is the one downstairs under this." he told his friend.

Violetta smiled since she would still be close with Claudine.

"Sounds promising and perfect, my good man." Erik said to Daroga in acceptance.

Daroga nodded. "Now I believe we should all rest as it's already late." he suggested.

Claudine was carefully unpacking her stuff, and looked sadly at her portrait of her father as she put it on the nightstand beside the bed.

"Very well..." Erik replied. "See you by daybreak."

Violetta hummed as she unpacked and got settled in for the night. Daroga bowed to them both and left to his own room.

Claudine shut her door too, and changed into her nightgown. She then knelt by her bed, to pray up to her father. "Papa, please grant me your blessing and know that while he murdered that man, he saved many lives... I love him, and he is the angel you sent us." she whispered.

Erik bowed with a nod to Daroga as he left into the night, mysteriously as always. Violetta crawled into bed after her own nighttime prayers. Claudine also prayed that some how, some way Erik could be accepted by the public. After finishing, she climbed into bed, but found sleep wasn't coming easy. Erik went to his room soon enough. Violetta yawned and soon curled up under her sheets, cozying up to sleep. Claudine blew out her candle and tried to sleep, managing to only get a few hours though.

Daroga woke up the next morning and was cooking for his guests. Violetta turned over, she sat up before rubbing her eyes wearily with a yawn and a stretch and smelled something cooking. Daroga looked calm as he cooked. Claudine woke up wearily, changed into a simple dress then sleepily made to go downstairs, though did end up going the wrong way at first. Violetta crawled out of bed and decided to come out and see Daroga.

Erik was taking a look around the music room he was told about. Claudine woke up more when she realized she had gone the wrong way and glanced around as she finally got downstairs. Erik turned his head toward Claudine once he sensed her presence. Claudine felt his gaze and turned to look at him and smiled softly. Erik had a small nod, though charming smile toward Claudine.

"Might I enter?" Claudine asked quietly.

"By all means." Erik allowed.

Claudine entered, shutting the door partly closed. She then shyly, but determinedly hugged him. Erik smiled to Claudine as he flowed with the music in his head which he would transfer to his fingertips in future playing of the instruments.

Claudine smiled. "I would love to finally get to sing in a proper opera," she told him, seeing his expression, that she recognized where he would hurriedly write up some notes on his music. "I have always been intrigued by Don Juan." she said softly.

"Don Juan?" Erik repeated.

"The dashing rogue," Claudine nodded, with a small smile. "Don Juan should triumph this time." she smiled.

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