Chapter 6 - Be Mine

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Chapter 6 - Be MIne

Two and a half hours after her phone call to Lafayette, Tara walked into Merlotte's Bar and Grill. She silently stood by the entrance, scanning the crowd. The dinner rush was over, but plenty of regulars were still hanging about. The smell of cigarette smoke, grilled onions, burgers, and beer permeated the air, thick enough to cling to her skin. She got a few curious stares from the patrons, but nothing significant. Most of them dismissed her without a second glance to return to their drinks and conversations.

As she walked further into the bar, she noticed a few new faces and some old ones missing, but for the most part, it was the same old Merlotte's. Jane Bodehouse sat on a stool slouched over what was probably her umpteenth drink of the night. Terry Bellefleur was busy bartending. Arlene rushed back and forth writing down and delivering drink orders. Hoyt Fortenberry sat alone in a booth, nursing a beer and looking like he lost his best friend and maybe his dog. A small group of rowdy locals played a game of pool in the back billiard room. She felt her lips curving up into an almost smile. Funny how this little hole in the wall establishment had become more of a home to her than her real one.

She took a seat at the end of the bar. Arlene passed by at least three times before noticing her. A frown appeared on the older woman's crimson lips. "Well, if my eyes don't deceive me," she said. "I thought you skipped town again. You come back to ask Sam for your old job?"

Tara felt her stomach drop at the mention of Sam's name. "Is Sam here?"

Arlene ignored her question. "I wish I could just disappear for a year or any old time I feel like it then come back and Sam'll say everything's just right as rain and give me my job back." She patted her fire red hair and smacked her lips. "I guess I ain't his type, not to mention, unlike you and Sookie, I got mouths to feed."

Arlene had always rubbed Tara the wrong way, but tonight she refused to let her get under her skin. She had more important matters to worry about.

"I'm not here for my old job, Arlene. I just came to meet Lafayette."

Arlene suddenly looked disappointed. "Really?" Her shoulders slumped as if the wind had been taken from her sails. "We could use another good waitress and bartender. These newbies don't know a beer from a vodka screwdriver and it would be nice if I didn't have to work so many hours so I could spend more time with the new baby and all."

Tara blinked and stared down at Arlene's flat belly. She'd almost forgotten about Arlene's unexpected pregnancy. She'd barely been showing when Tara left town over a year ago. The woman was pushing forty and needed another kid like a hole in the head.

"Congratulations," Tara said. She tried smiling, but she knew it didn't translate well. She'd never been good at keeping her real feelings from showing on her face. Sookie had told her once that she didn't have to read her mind because Tara's facial expressions broadcasted exactly what she was thinking.

That didn't seem to bother Arlene. "Thanks," she said. "Terry and I are just excited as two jackrabbits about our lil' Mikey now that we know he ain't possessed by my ex, Renee Leiner."

Tara quirked an eyebrow. "That's...good," was all she could think to say.

To Tara's relief, a customer called Arlene over to get a refill, saving her from having to make any more small talk. However, that bit of peace was short lived when she saw who appeared behind the bar next to Terry.

Sam Merlotte was counting money out of the teal when he turned and caught her eye. He whispered something to Terry before heading straight towards her. Her first instinct was to get up and walk out of the bar, but his electric blue eyes pinned her to the spot.

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