Going back to Hogwarts

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A clad of smoke covers Hermione in a ominous blanket as she walks through the wall and onto the platform. She walked through the busy platform bumping into witches and wizards in a frantic hurry to get their children on the train. Everyone stares as the golden trio walks past with there familiar frizzy brown hair, lighting scar, and fiery red locks. Ron has his arm around Hermione's waist  as they push the trolley toghether laughing. Harry pushed Ginny's trolley while walking silently next to each other tensely. They looked at Ron and Hermione and sighed in disbelief, what they were seeing was far from the truth.

As Ginny and Hermione got on the train, Ron and Harry stared silently watching their girlfriends leave them. Harry would work in the ministry as an aurora and Ron would be head Keeper for the Quidditch team the Chudley Cannons, while their girlfriends would continue their studies to get their desired jobs in the ministry. They could only communicate through owl, so to them, the next nine months were going to be long.

 Hermione and Ginny both ran back to give them one last hug. Harry was a couple inches taller than Ginny and he gave her a kiss on her forehead while she giggled affectionately. They were so much in love. While Hermione gave Ron a hug but tried to push her off in disgust. They went on the train and found only one empty car. 

They empty car had one person in the back of right seet. They had a black hoodie on over their head and was facing the window.

"Uh hi, can we sit here all the rest are full." Hermione said reluctantly 

"Yea sure whatever." The voice was that of a guy and was unrecognizable to eiether Hermione or Ginny, "Who are you guys anyways?" 

"I'm Hermione Granger and this is-"

"Ginny Weasley." Ginny  interrupted  

Hermione shot a "whatever" look at Ginny as she smiled innocently. The guy seemed started by this, so much so, he flipped around reveling himself. A huge scar lined his Malfoy blood face. 

"Draco?" Hermione asked worryingly, "What happened to you?"

He furrowed his brows, and a scowl crept up his features. He raised a shaky finger to the scar and said:

"This is the kind of punishment you get from my father if you don't get a higher test score than a Weasle or a mudblood." He said with a scowl still tattooed on his face. While knowingly lying to both of them successfully.

He raised his hoodie higher, the shadows covering his face in a blanket of darkness. Only seeing the faint outline of his grey-ocean eyes is the dimming light of the day. They sat silently in the car, never talking. Blaise and Pansy soon found the car, and were both shocked when they saw a Wesley and Granger riding peacefully across a Malfoy, who was obviously aggravated. 

They finally arrived at Hogwarts. It was pitch black and all first years were in a frantic hurry to gather all their belongings and to head on the boats that would carry them to Hogwarts. Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, and Seamus Finnigan joined Ginny and Hermione on the ride to Hogwarts. All of them were talking about their lives after the war, when Ginny piped some big news that she hadn't told anyone. She pulled a chain, hanging around her neck, with a ring looped on it.

"Over the summer, me and Harry went to Italy," She started, "I turned away from him, and when I turned back he was on one knee and proposed to me." She said excitedly.

Hermione turned, whipping her hair violently at Ginny.

"And why didn't you tell your best friend this?" She said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"You would have told Ron. And besides, me and Harry want to give the news to everyone ourselves." Ginny said 

"No I wouldn't have."

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