Chapter Ten

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Oooh its a biggie. Happy reading !!!



Louis lies in the bed of his own flat, the one he's barely spent time in these last few months. He just needed to get away from Harry, from all his concerned glances this last week, from all his questions. The front door to his flat slams and he can hear footsteps reaching the bedroom. Fuck.

"Got a call from Harry," Niall announces as he barges through the door. "Told us you said you 'needed time' alone and that you've been withdrawn all week. Seems to think he's done something wrong." Niall taps his foot. "Wanna tell me what it really is?"

"Did you give me away?" Louis asks, curling the blankets tighter around himself.

"No, no I didn't. Just in case that wasn't it. But this looks like a typical case of 'I'm-feeling-insecure-and-I-want-to-relapse.' Is it?"

Louis's mouth feels dry. There's a heavy weight on his chest and a voice in his head. Pathetic. "Maybe."

Niall shakes his head, and if Louis would only look at him he would see fear instead of anger. "No. No, you're not doing this again. I don't know if you think it's possible to relapse all the time and just magically get better, but one day your heart is going to-"

"I don't think that!" Louis says angrily.

"We'll it sure seems like it! Jesus fucking Christ, lou, try harder! Eat something!" He yells, coming over to Louis and getting up into his face. He sees the tear streaks on Louis face, and quells his anger as best he can for his friend's sake. "I know, mate. I know it's not that easy. I'm sorry. But I think we're gonna have to tell Harry."

Louis shakes his head desperately.

"You can't be suffering and not even have your boyfriend there to help you through it," says Niall. "It'll be so relieving if you tell him, mate. And I think you should talk to your therapist again, didn't you stop going?"

Louis nods.

"You need to see someone right now," Niall pleads.

Louis nods again.

"Can you get up?"

"Will you make me eat?"

Niall sighs. "Yeah, Lou, I think I will."

Louis stares at him for a bit, drinking in the panic he's caused the friend whose been there for him for so long. It makes him want to sink into the mattress further, but with an effort he reaches out his arm instead.

Relief clouds Niall's face. He grabs Louis's arm and helps him out of his bed. "First step, right?" He smiles.

Louis forces a smile back.

They make their way to the kitchen. Louis watches Niall move about the counter space and put together a bowl of porridge. When he's finished, he sets it in front of Louis.

"You watched me make it. You know I didn't put anything in it," Niall says. "It's just porridge, I'm trying to make this easy."

Louis looks down at the bowl. His stomach clenches and his hands sweat.

"Louis, look at me."

Louis looks up. "It's just porridge. It's either this or the Ensure."

Louis looks back at the porridge and tries to gather the courage to pick up the spoon. He is not drinking that Ensure crap he had to in the beginning of recovery. That rich, calorie-loaded 'nutrient supplement' drink that makes Louis gag. He needs to eat this goddamn porridge, because Niall is the type to carry out his threats and promises.

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