Slash 'N' Burn

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At night, in the city of Vale. Roman Torchwick and his henchmen head down an alley from the shadows. They stop behind Roman, who reignites his cigar without touching it and grins before walking down the road, frightening nearby citizens as they make their way towards the shop From Dust Till Dawn. Roman and his henchmen enter the shop. And in the shop is the shopkeeper, and four people wearing kimonos reading magazines.

The henchmen look around and at the Dust crystals in the display when Roman approaches the elderly shopkeeper.

Roman: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late?

One of the henchman points his gun at the shopkeeper.

Shopkeeper: P-please! Just take my Lien and leave!

Roman: Shhh, shhh, shhh, shhh, calm down, we're not here for your money.

Roman looks over at this henchmen.

Roman: Grab the Dust.

A henchman opens a case and removes one of several cylinders, which the group uses to take Dust from the tube containers on the walls.

Henchman 1 places a open case on the display to the shopkeeper.

Henchman 1: Crystals. Burn. Uncut.

The shopkeeper proceeds to fill the case. As another henchman goes for another tube, he hears the muted "Slash 'N' Burn" song from the four's direction, and unsheathes his sword.

Henchman 2 points his sword at their backs.

Henchman 2: Alright kids, put your hands where I can see 'em.

No response.

Henchman 2: Hey, I said hands in the air! You got a death wish or something!?

One of the four with h/c hair looks over at the henchman, closing his magazine.

Y/n: What?

Henchman 2: I said, put your hands in the air, now!

All four look at each other and shrug their shoulders. Then one of the four asks the henchman a question.

Maisie: Are you... robbing us?

Henchman 2: Yes!

Maisie: Ooohhh...

You need your stars, even killers have prestige
Access to a living you will not see
24 boredom, I'm convicted instantly
Gorgeous poverty of created needs

Slash and burn!

Outside the shop, a ticking sound can be heard before a huge explosion goes off inside the shop, blowing up the whole building and damaging neighboring buildings. Roman and his surviving henchmen all burst out of the building. They all catch their breath before Roman grabs one of them by the collar.

Roman: What the hell did you do?

Henchman 3: I-I don't know!

Roman: Arrggghhhh!!!!

A snap could be heard from inside the destroyed building, causing Roman and the henchmen to turn their heads to the sound. One of the henchmen takes a look closer, but is blasted back by a fireball. Roman groans. Then the debris of the building is blasted away revealing the four, unharmed. They walk out of the destroyed building and onto the street. Roman groans even more.

Roman: What next?

Just as Roman says this, Y/n raises his arm and visible air starts twirling around it. Hiro lifts up his hand and fire appears on his fingertips. Maisie throws a dust crystal at a fire hydrant, exploding on impact, destroying it, and as the water bursts out, it starts heading towards Maisie, circling around her. Benji stomps on the ground, the concrete flying upwards and floating around him. All of this makes Roman groan in annoyance.

Roman: Kids these days just keep getting weirder and weirder.

Roman then signals his henchmen to attack, which they all, reluctantly, do.

Kill to live
Kill for kicks
3rd world to the 1st
Kill to live

Henchman 1 tries to attack Y/n, but, the latter punches him in the stomach so hard, he knocks the air out of him. Y/n opens his palm, the air becomes visible and starts to form into a ball. Y/n pushes the henchman back before he punches the ball of air into his chest, sending the henchman flying backwards.

Worms in the garden more real than a McDonalds
Drain your blood and let the Exxon spill in
Look around here, you see nothing is very real
Chained to economy now famine has been

Henchman 2 charges at Hiro with his sword readied. The fire on Hiro's fingertips then begin to spell out "Bring It", before being extinguished. Hiro unsheathes his blade, Lè Noire, and readies it. Once the henchman gets close enough to Hiro, he begins to stab at him. Hiro dodges each stab, before he slashes the henchman's sword, making him drop it. The henchman's eyes widened before he is blasted far away by Hiro's fireball.

Slash and burn
Kill to live
Kill for kicks
3rd world to the 1st
Kill to live

Three henchmen surround Maisie, who smirks at them all. One of the henchmen attacks Maisie, but is knocked back into a building down the street by the water surrounding Maisie. Another attacks her, but the water around Maisie takes form in a dragon, making the henchman stop in his tracks. As the henchman runs away, the water dragon bites into him and flies up into the air. It flies back into the ground, slamming the henchman into the road and turning into a puddle of water. The last henchman is shaking and sweating. The sweat then begin to come off his face. The henchman then begins to be pelted by his sweat. After the pelting stops, he looks up, only to be kicked in the face by Maisie.

Madonna drinks Coke and so you can too
Taste's real good not like a sweet poison should
Too much comfort to get decadent
Politics here's death and God is safer sex

Five henchmen are attacking Benji, who is dodging every single one of their attacks. One henchman stabs at him, inches away from slicing Benji's face. Benji glares at the henchman over his shoulder, making the henchman gulp. The concrete the henchman is standing upon is suddenly lifted up off from the ground, flying into the air. Once high in the air, the piece of concrete turns upside down, making the henchman fly through the air. And once the henchman hits the ground, the piece of concrete slams into him.

Slash and burn
Kill to live
Kill for kicks
3rd world to the 1st
Kill to live
Kill for kicks

While Benji is looking at the fallen henchman, the other the henchmen use the opportunity to attack at Benji. Henchman 1 is throw into the air before being slammed into the ground below. Henchman 2 is set on fire, and as he is running around like a headless chicken, he is blasted away by a ball of fire. Henchman 3 starts being zigzagged into the air by a stream of water, and once he is high in the air, he is slammed back down. Henchman 4 is so distracted by how quickly his comrades got taken out, that he doesn't notice the piece of concrete heading straight towards him.

That's all you need
That's all you need
That's all you need
That's all you need

After the henchmen are all taken out. The four teenagers turn to look for Roman, only to find him gone. They all shrug their shoulders before walking down the street. While they are far away from before, Y/n takes a detonator out from his pocket and presses it, and one by one, explosions go off, destroying the buildings. After all that, Y/n stops, he turns around and slightly raises his arms. He drops them, then fiddles around with his detonator, pressing the button repeatedly and even hitting it. A final large explosion goes off making Y/n jump and take off.

Slash and burn

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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