Chapter Seven

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Annabelle's POV

"So how'd it go?" Jax asked once Dr Tessler had completed all the tests she had wanted to do.

I was currently sitting on his lap in the waiting room we were sitting in earlier, before we met the doctor. I shrugged my shoulders and nodded my head, not really knowing how to answer him. Dr Tessler had been very thorough with her tests, I had gone through X-rays scanning my whole body, physical examinations testing joints and reaction times, questionnaires to determine my mental state and even an MRI, these guys spared no expense.

He sighed and nodded his head, satisfied with my answer.

As we made our way back into the doctor's office, I weirdly became nervous, this woman probably knew more about me than I did, and the feeling was slightly unsettling and nerve wracking. What if she had found something that meant that I was broken in some way, broken beyond repair? Would Jax toss me aside, thinking that he would be better off without a burden like me dragging him down all the time?

"So Annabelle, I've correlated everything together from today's tests and they've all come back looking good, there's nothing a bit of rest and plenty of food and liquid won't fix" the doctor stated and Jax let out a sigh of relief I hadn't realised he had been holding. Was he relieved that I wasn't injured in anyway or just that he wouldn't be lumped with a mess like me to look after?

I just nodded my head and leant back into Jax, relieved she wouldn't be doing any more tests on me. Even if Jax did feel burdened by me slightly I was going to enjoy every second I had with him until he kicked me out. I had never felt safer than I had with him.

"You're quite malnourished" the doctor continued "So I'm putting you on a special controlled diet so that you can put some much-needed weight back on" she explained as she wrote something down on her computer. "I'd also like to see you next Friday for a catch up and to see how you're getting on alright? I've emailed the information regarding her diet over to you Alpha and I suggest you stick to it as best you can. Even though you aren't severely emaciated Annabelle we still need to be careful when reintroducing certain foods, I would suggest soups and liquid foods until you feel well enough to stomach something more solid. If you vomit at all or you struggle in any other way, please do give me a ring alright?"

I nodded in understanding as I looked up at Jax, would he allow me to go on such a specific diet? Back at that place I wasn't allowed to eat any food that wasn't leftovers. Sometimes they would purposely stuff themselves with the food I had put on the table for them just so I wouldn't have anything to eat. They would tell me I was only allowed to eat when I had deserved it.

I would sometimes sneak food as and when I could, but the fear of being caught always stopped me from taking anything to big. When I was still quite young and hadn't been at the Leftens for long I was so hungry I had decided to cook off a few extra sausages along with the ones I had been cooking for their dinner so that I had something to eat. Later that evening Tony found out what I had done and after making me throw up everything I had eaten, including the scraps they had given me after they had finished eating, they didn't allow me to eat anything for two days.

By the time evening rolled around on the second day of my forced starvation I was so weak and hungry I could barely see straight. The family had laughed at my clumsiness as my vision blurred from lack of energy. That night they thankfully allowed me to eat some of their leftover food, but not before chewing it up and spitting it back out on their plates. That was Natalie's idea and she laughed as she watched me eat it all, to hungry to care about where it had been or what they had done to it.

It was safe to say I never tried anything like that again, I learnt quickly that you never take anything that they would notice would be gone. They had counted the sausages and that was how they knew I had eaten some so after that I only took spoon fulls of mashed potatoes or a few chunks of cut carrots here and there. Nothing that could be counted or otherwise missed.

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