Chapter 1

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"Made it," Goku states as he and Vegeta land on Beerus's world.

It's been a week since the defeat of Black Goku and since Goku had brought Future Zeno to be Past Zeno's friend. While he was there he asked about the tournament of power, a name the Grand Priest came up with. Anyway, Zeno had forgotten and was grateful that Goku reminded him. Unfortunately, he was busy soon and had to meet his older brother Zarama - the dragon god. But he'd start the tournament in two months, earth time. Goku was so excited. This gave him ample time to train and grow stronger. The Grand Priest informed them that he'd contact him when in was time. Goku thanked him and left. Needless to say, Beerus was unhappy about Goku's actions, despite that they had two months to train and kicked him off his world for a whole week.

Goku was upset about it and tried to get Beerus to reconsider, but he refused to budge. So, Goku was forced to leave. He went home and tried to train with Vegeta, but Bulma was on her last week of pregnancy and he refused to leave. Nothing Goku said could convince him, so Goku had to train alone. He did congratulate Bulma and wish her a safe pregnancy before he left. He was able to train for three days before Chichi found him. Then, he had to go back to farming. "Maybe I should be a police officer like Krillin," he thought while farming. "At least then I can still fight bad guys, even if they're weaker than me. Plus, it'll get Chichi off my back." It was an idea. One he doubted he'd actually go through, but it still be good to ask Krillin and show Chichi he's trying. Anyway, for the rest of the week he farmed. Except Sunday.

Sunday, Chichi gave him the day off and let him train. He thanked her and immediately went to King Kai's planet to train. Only King Kai forbid him from doing so and kicked him off. He didn't give Goku a chance to argue back since he had still yet to revive them and his planet was still recovering from Goku's fight with Beerus.
So, once more Goku had to leave. Luckily, Dende contacted him and reminded him about the Hyperbolic Time Chamber - something he that had actually forgotten about recently. He spent half his Sunday in there, before remembering that Bulma was scheduled to give birth today. Not wanting her mad at him, he quickly left the lookout with Dende and Instant Transmission to Bulma's. He just made it. He got there as Bulma was pushing Bulla out. Confused, he asked what was going on and Krillin explained it to him. Let's just say, Goku now fully understood exactly how babies were born after sex and what sex was.

Bulma named her baby Bra and all was well. Vegeta was rewarded for being there and Goku was too for not missing it. Their wives allowed them to go and train on Beerus's world. Goku was ecstatic and thanked Chichi repeatedly while swinging her around in a circle. The two got plenty of rest and packed lots of food. They left for Beerus's world the next day. Goku had to IT to King Kai's planet, then to Supreme Kai's planet to get a read on Beerus's Ki and he had to be in god form. That was after Supreme Kai pointed him in the right direction. Which brings us to were we currently are.

"Hmph. It's about time," Vegeta says, letting go of Goku's shoulder.

Goku chuckles and drops the huge bag of food and clothes their wives prepared for them. "It wasn't that long Vegeta," he replies. "Besides we're here now, so let's find Whis so we can start training again. I feel so sluggish after not doing so for a while."

"Hmph. If that's the case maybe you need to learn to stay in shape better, Kakarot. I will not have you delaying my training further, understand?!"

Goku chuckles. "Relax Vegeta, I'll be fine. Now, let's go find Whis."

"That will be unnecessary," Whis says, appearing a few feet from them.

Goku smiles. "Hi, Whis. We came back to train."

"I can see that Goku, but unfortunately, I have to send you home. Now, is not a good time for you to be here. Either of you, now please leave."

"Huh? Why not?! Lord Beerus said I could come back in a week and Chichi actually let me come this time."

"Be that as it may, I still need you to leave. Come back at the end of the month and I'll train you then."

"Awwww. I was really looking forward to this."

Vegeta grunts and turns to Whis. "What's going on Whis? Usually you have no problem training us, even when you know it'll upset Beerus. Something is wrong."

Whis eyes narrow at the saiyan prince. "That is neither of your concerns," he replies flatly. "Now, leave before - "

Whis is cut off by a loud yowl of displeasure. Vegeta and Goku have to cover their ears so their eardrums don't burst.

"Oh dear," Whis says with a sigh.

"What was that?" Goku asked once the sound had stopped.

"That would be Lord Beerus."

"Huh?!/What?!" They both asked in shock.

"Excuse me for just a moment."

Whis turns his back on the two saiyan warriors as a blur suddenly flies past him. He quickly grabs the the blur before it reaches the two saiyans. Who had both jumped back and slid into fighting stances. Only to drop them in shock as the blur was revealed to be none other than Beerus the destroyer. Even so, there was something off about him. One, he wasn't wearing a shirt or is Egyptian god necklace. Most of his rings were gone except for the one on his wrists and his pants were torn to shreds. Secondly, his eyes seemed unfocused and lost. His pupils enlarged and thinner than before. His claws were longer and sharper and his muscles seemed slimmer yet more defined. Even his tail was a little longer, but that wasn't the most visible thing. No, it was his aura - the third thing that was off about him. It was uncontrolled, flowing off his body in a steady stream. Though, it wasn't purple like usual. It was a dark blue mixed with a medium pink color. And he stared at the two saiyans as if they were stacks of meat.

The two couldn't help but gulp and take a step back as warning bells went off in their heads and chills traveled down their spines. Beerus's gaze shifted back and forth between the two and he licked his lips, revealing sharper canines. He began to sniff the air and struggle in Whis's hold. They angel attendant slash trainer sighed, before spinning around and chopping Beerus in the back of the neck. The God of Destruction stiffened, before going limp. Whis picked him up and threw him over his shoulder, before locking eyes with the two saiyans on the planet. Vegeta now stood with his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at Whis. He wasn't going anywhere without getting some answers. Goku was clearly staring at Beerus in confusion.

"What's up with Lord Beerus?" he asks, stepping closer to Whis.

The angel sighs. "I guess I might as well tell you now. Very well, to put it simply, Lord Beerus is in heat."


Beerus's Heat: A Goku x Beerus Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now