Chapter 3

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Elder Kai, Kibito, and Shin were enjoying some tea when Shin suddenly dropped his teacup and plate. Both shattered against the ground as he uses his left hand to steady himself, while his right gripped his kai robes tightly over his heart. Elder Kai and Kibito quickly move to his aid, but he stops them with a hand. Both freeze in place, worriedly.

"Master, are you alright?" Kibito asks.

Shin nods shakily."I-I am not in any immediate danger or pain," he replies.

"Then, why did you collapse?"

"I-It's Beerus. H-he's...." Shin trails off as another wave of heat courses through him. He nearly loses his balance, but manages to stabilize himself. His breath comes out heavier and ragged, sweat gathering on his forehead. Kibito moves to help one more, only for elder kai to stop him. He shakes his head at Kibito, focusing intently on Shin. Shin gasps as a third wave rolls through him and his clothes start to become uncomfortablely itching and irritating, but he keeps himself from clawing at them - barely.

"H-he's early," he thinks shakily,trying to catch his breath.

"Lord Beerus has gone into heat, hasn't he?" Elder Kai asks, but by the tone of his voice, he already knows the answer.

Shin nods anyway and Kibito gasps in surprise and shock.

"B-but....he's not suppose to do so for another hundred years!!" He gasps.

"While that may be, it appears he has gone in early and that may not be good for us," Elder Kai states. "With Beerus in such a state, he is extremely volatile and likely to fly into a rage if he doesn't find a mate soon or if his chosen does not meet his standards. Meanwhile, Shin hear will experience all of Beerus's heat and the backlash from him not being sated. This is not good."

"What can we do?" Kibito asks worriedly.

Elder Kai shakes his head sadly. "Nothing, I'm afraid. Shin will suffer like this until Beerus is sated or his heat ends."

Shin takes a deep breath and let's it out slowly. He could still feel the heat pulsing through him - especially in his gut - but he was growing accustom to it. Slowly, he pushed himself to his feet, standing shakily. "I-I think it's calming down a bit," he states. Only for another wave, way more intense than the earlier three combined ran through them. Shin's eyes roll in the back of his head and his knees buckled under him as he nearly loses consciousness. Kibito and Elder Kai gasped in shock, worry, and fear. Kibito went to catch his master, only for a blur to pass him and do so before him.

"Man!! That was close!!" Goku states, holding Shin bridle style.

Shin gasped and groaned as he breath heavily, shaking in Goku's arms. Slowly, his senses came back to him and his body cooled down a bit. Though, he was still scorching hot and he was starting to feel empty like he needed to be filled. "T-this is bad," he thought. "I-I don't k-know h-how long I c-can.....h-hold out."

"G-goku!!" Kibito and Elder Kai exclaimed in surprise.

Goku turned to them smiling. "Yo," he replied chuckling.

"What are you doing here?" Elder Kai asks.

"I believe I can answer that," Whis answers. The two spin around to find Whis, Bulma, and Vegeta.

"Whis!!" Elder Kai exclaims once more. "To what do we owe the pleasure? Does it have anything to do with Lord Beerus going into heat early?"

Whis nods. "I'm afraid so. My lord has entered heat early this time and it seems particularly stronger than any of his previous ones."

Beerus's Heat: A Goku x Beerus Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now