Chapter 1 - Not quite Deaf and dumb

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Authors note: Hey! It's my first time with a fanfic, so I hope you will like it and stay with me to the end! Don't forget to support our boys, they're doing so well now! Anyways, enjoy! I hope this will somewhat prove a fairly accurate story off of hearing loss, based on my own experiences. Without further ado: Enjoy! Bangtan Fighting!

—Chungcha's POV—

    The skies are blue, the clouds are nonexistent, almost as whisps floating around. I'm the only one that's looking up in the courtyard, nose out of my books, but that's fine by me. Everyone else on their phones and textbooks don't know what they're missing

"Ya! (Hey!) Chung!" I look over to see my friends, Kyungmi and Soyoung running over, their unkempt hair flying in their face as they fight to keep their vision. I guess its a bit ironic, they called my name, yet none of us can really hear over all of the wind. I ran to meet them with a smile and laugh as they get flustered with my signing: I can't wait until all of this schoolwork is done! I'm getting spring fever really badly, all I want to do is play! 

They smile, they understand, but they do prefer that I use my voice. After all, we are at a music high school for something, right? I quickly translate and their smiles widen. 

"Sooooo, remember that guy I mentioned at the last sleepover we had?" Kyungmi began, "Well, he kinda might have asked me to go to the winter formal in 2 weeks!" Both of us stifle screams as we seek shelter in the nearest academy building, so I can hear without the wind rushing over the speakers on my hearing aids. The doors shut and we're met in an environment not much better. Seems like we managed to run into another one of Bangtan's arguments. Kyungmi and Soyoung rush over to watch, while I stay on the side and cram for my English exam in an hour. It doesn't matter much to me now, and if I turn off my hearing aids, I can't tell they're there. After about 10 minutes the argument gets broken up by Namjoon and Seokjin. Seems like Jimin got into another fight with Jungkook, which is no surprise to anyone. Their daily spats, despite being scholars in the same classes as I am, disrupt everyone and typically end with either of the boys getting punched at least once, and the occasional ER visit. Not that I care. I couldn't care less.

"Come on! We'll be late to 6th period!" Soyoung and Kyungmi rush to English, leaving me engrossed in my studies, oblivious to it all with my hearing aids off. I peek over the edge of my textbook and see Jungkook and Jimin being marched off with the rest of Bangtan. Just as Jungkook turns to leave, I catch his eye and give a little wave. He winked in response and hurries off with his hyungs (older brothers). I know that even since we're in the same class, we always compete for who can get the higher score. It's the same for every class... except English. 

Jungkook is the one Soyoung and Kyungmi always tease me about, but I've already told them that I won't date until college. I rush into English, my hardest subject because I can't really hear it. Well, let me go back a bit. I can, It's just really hard and requires A LOT of work. 

I finished the test in under 20 minutes and decide to visit the library, where it's silent and I don't have to try to hear or listen. I get permission from the teacher and escape class quickly (and hopefully quietly) to maximize my reading time. I run into Bangtan in the hallway where they quickly greet me.

"Annyeong (hello) Chungcha!" They all chorus, echoing each other in that creepy way since they've lived together for 4 years since Bighit Entertainment put them together. I greet them likewise and Namjoon starts as soon as I finish talking. 

"So how's English? Is our Jungkookie doing alright?" Apparently my resolution to not date has become a running joke in Bangtan too. "I heard that he..." Shoot. The sudden silence in my right ear says that hearing aid battery died. The silence quickly spreads to my left ear as I'm left with no sound at all. I quickly signal to them that I have to go, pointing to my hearing aid. I turn to rush to my locker to get more hearing aids and run straight into Jungkook. He's several inches taller than me, so I hit his burly chest and look up to address him. He tries to speak, maybe to apologize, but I am having none of it. I work at the ER on campus part time and I've had enough of their senseless fights.

What the heck are you doing???  I sign-scream at him. All of Bangtan looks taken aback, and before I can regret taking advantage of their lack of knowledge in sign language, I run. 

—Jungkook's POV— 

I can't tell what she's saying, but she's mad. Like annoyed mad almost. The type of mad that comes after your hyungs eat all of your Korean ice cream. 

"Ah, jinjja (really), can she get any worse? She ran into me, not the other way around. I was just standing there!" As the hyungs continue to laugh at my expense. I notice that Jimin is decidedly absent, which is probably for the best. Seokjin is the first to speak, 

"Maybe it is your fault, you came up behind her. I'll bake some biscuits for you to take to her in apology, maybe she'll forgive you so you can get some help on English. How was that, by the way?" Whoops. I'm busted. My omma (mom) isn't present by the school, so I just visit during the occasional weekend and break but Seokjin certainly takes the cake for the clingy-est non-mother on the planet. 

"Well, I think I did alright." Was my rapid reply. The clattering sounds in the hallway show some commotion, but seokjin isn't about to let me go. Before he can say anything, the Principal comes on and says "Attention all students, there are several armed men in the building, please commence a grade-3 lockdown." 

Each member of Bangtan look at each other. Chungcha left not a moment ago to get something, perhaps batteries for those contraptions in her ear, and when she doesn't have batteries she can't hear (as much as she denies it, but she's kinda hot when she does, but the last thing I'm going to do is tell Bangtan that). One look at Yoongi and Taehyung give assurance to my suspicions... and that means she didn't hear the announcement.


Such a cliffhanger! I'm so sorry, but I'll upload the next chapter soon, hopefully! School is being school and finals week is next week. Oh, well. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! 

Love you guys!

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