Chapter 2- So maybe I'm not okay

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Authors note: 

Aahhhh! Sorry for the cliffhanger! Here's your update! Bangtan fighting!

—Chungcha's POV—

    The silence wraps around me like a thick fog, and I embrace it. The headache I've had since the morning has been killing me, and that means either I've not drunk enough water (I had 2 water bottles) or I've started my period. Ugh. Gotta take care of that first. I rush to the nearest girls bathroom with a pad and glance at the time before rushing to my locker. As soon as I reach my locker, I see a dark shape on the edge of my vision. Thinking it was Soyoung, I quickly put in my code and grab the batteries before slamming the door. I turn to see a pair of dark green eyes behind a black facemask. I step back and look to see the figure in all black... with a gun. My body starts shaking on its own accord, and my honors class mind blanks on what to do. 

    I reach down to my pocket and motion as I'm doing so to do something with the things in my ear. He shook his head minutely and aimed the gun at me. I close my eyes (which I rarely do because now I can't see nor hear) and look at him one more time. Just behind the guys' shoulder, I see something running toward me, motioning to be silent. I pray to God to save me, and I close my eyes once more. The next thing I feel is a splitting pain in my stomach. I open my eyes to a slit and bite my tongue through the pain, I only see the guy in black is on the ground, passed out. 

     I look up to see who saved me, and I'm met with the same brown eyes that met mine when I ran into him. He grabs my wrist, but all I can see is the floor. The merciful floor. Maybe that will take the pain away... 

—Jungkook's POV—

     Why'd she have to go and faint on me right after I "saved" her? (More like haphazardly punched the guy in the face until he didn't get up again) I slipped trying to catch her on her way down, but finally managed to pick her up and carry her to the classroom Bangtan is holed out in. I give our signature knock, since she's knocked out, she won't remember it, and they open the door. Taehyung ushers us inside and I flip her off of my back onto a table with Yoongi and Namjoon's help.  One look at her can tell that she was shot, even if you didn't look at her stomach. Her face is pale and she's breathing short and shallow. Her brunette hair catches the light from the windows as the members pull the drapes. I can't help but notice that she's not wearing any makeup, which sets her apart from all of the other girls I've dated. Everyone else wears loads of makeup, but she doesn't. I wonder why, but this certainly only pairs well as a she's a cute beauty with a fiery personality. 

    The only one not in the room is Jimin, the one who's taking the medical courses to become a doctor because his appa (father) wants him to. Namjoon is the fastest thinker and calls him in record time before anyone has reacted to Chungcha, and Jimin picks up immediately. Namjoon quickly explains and hands the phone over to Taehyung so he can show Chungcha and her condition. He does a double take when he sees her, asks for the room number, and guides us through cutting off the bottom portion of her shirt so he can see how bad it really is. Let me tell you. It was bad. 

—Jimin's POV—

It wasn't that bad. She was shot in the middle of her abdomen, which is bad in general, but it didn't look that deep, and I could have the bullet removed and her stitched up within 15 minutes... if I was there. The only thing I could tell them was to cut off the bottom of her shirt (though some of them wanted to cut off more) and survey how bad it was. The campus police were on the scene at our high school really quickly and there were people fighting back, so maybe she could hold out until she was found.

    "She just had to make it through 10 minutes..." is all I could muster to say, though it was unlikely she would without immediate medical attention. 

     "I'll do whatever it takes, what should I do?" Says a voice offscreen. Maybe our Maknae (youngest) isn't completely coldhearted after all. I know we tease him about them dating, but I didn't know he felt anything towards her. Maybe I'm just overreacting, and this isn't the time. She's just a patient, a drop-dead gorgeous patient, but a patient. My medical training kicks in immediately to accompany the adrenaline rushing through my blood, made in the adrenal glands above the kidney... FOCUS PARK JIMIN YOUR PATIENT'S LIFE IS AT STAKE.

     "You need to find tweezers, a lot of fabric, and a way to compress the wound once the bullet is out." I'm not even going to doubt him, but I just hope he acts soon and listens to me.

     As I instruct them to take out the bullet, thank goodness they were in a science classroom. The only one with the resolution to do it is Jungkook, so none of the other members protest, Yoongi silently hands him the tweezers and I keep a steady stream of instructions going as the other members keep a light aimed over her body. Taehyung kept a wet washcloth on her forehead and Seokjin and Yoongi cut up lab aprons with scalpels to make the bandages. At last, Jungkook pulls out the bloody bullet after much coaching, and they bandage her up apply pressure to prevent more bleeding. It's not much, but it should save her life. Namjoon and Seokjin discovered the key to the locked windows in the teacher's desk and the other members waste no time going out to get the police and medics. Only Jungkook and Namjoon's phone with me on it remain in the room along with the unnatural silence punctuated with Chungcha's ragged breaths. 

—Jungkook's POV—

    That. Was. The. Most. Nerve. Wracking. Experience. In. My. Life. Not kidding. Not even my audition for Bighit was this scary. She kept bleeding even as I finally pulled out the bullet. I'm still trying to stop the bleeding, but the blood keeps welling under my fingers. We don't know if she's even going to survive. Jimin's still on the phone, and I try keep conversation with him to pass the time and keep myself sane. 

"Is she going to survive?" I ask, my voice barely audible over the speaker, hoping for the non-jaded answer from Jimin.

"Perhaps, besides, you acted very well and listened to me through it all, which although surprising, was good. She should pull through until they can get her to the hospital. You are stopping the bleeding and pulled out the bullet, so she should survive" Jimin said in a soft but firm voice, well, as firm as he could get over a speaker phone. 

Even past Jimin's ultimatum, I can't help but feel guilty. I should have offered to walk her to her locker, I should have apologized for running into her, I should have... no. I can't think about that now. Subconsciously I press a kiss to her feverish temple. No one will hurt you, Chungcha not if I am there to protect you. I promise I will always be by your side.

    The medics rush in after 5 more minutes tailed by the rest of Bangtan, and praise my actions, and whisk her out of the room. I stand in the dusty room, hands covered in dried blood, sun streaming through the windows in silence, with my lips still buzzing from that kiss.


Hey! So I added a little more romance, but we'll see where that's headed. I'll keep trying to add, since this is fun, but between the last chapter, if there is one, on Sunday, then I'll probably go about a week. 

Love you guys!

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