Lost for Now

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Valerie’s POV

Where was that restaurant again? I silently questioned as I found myself to be lost again. Maybe moving to Sacramento on my own was a bad idea. I always felt like the type of person who could be independent. Then again maybe I was wrong. I’ve never been on my own. I didn’t think I needed anybody, probably because I spent my whole life with people surrounding me as my safety net. I continue to walk on, aimlessly.

I gave up trying to find the Mexican restaurant I was looking for. I haven’t eaten since yesterday, it’s no time to be picky. After walking for about ten minutes I stumble upon this little Thai food place. I’ve never had Thai food, but then again, I haven’t lived on my own yet either. I walked inside, not expecting what would happen next. As my eyes rose to look over at the counter, my entire body practically froze. Is that? No. It can’t be. I saw Ian and Anthony standing, looking up at the restaurant’s menu.

“For the last time Anthony, there is nothing on the menu that we can buy for only two dollars.” 

“I don’t know, I still think I can find something. Just wait a minute.”

I haven’t been watching Smosh for long but I’ve seen almost all of the video’s on their second channel. I felt like I knew these guys. Maybe that’s why I did this…

“I’ll pay for you guys!” Wait, did I really just offer to buy them lunch? They’re going to think I’m some kind of hopeless fan girl.

“Finally, our savior!” Shouted Ian, for practically the whole restaurant to hear.

“Ian, don’t!” Anthony said in a bitter tone. “I’m sorry, we couldn’t. That’s too much. It’s my fault, I left my wallet at home and there was only two dollars and some change in my car.”

“No, it’s fine really. I don’t mind.”

Ian comes over to me, stands to my side, a bit behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders. “See Anthony, she doesn’t mind.” He walks me over to the register with him. “What would you like, uh…”

“Valerie, my name is Valerie.”

“Nice to meet you Valerie, I am Ian and this is-“

“Anthony.” I turn to Anthony and look at him with a smile. They look at each other for a minute and looked confused, but only for a second, then it clicked.

“I’ve seen you both on YouTube.”

“Oh, okay.” Exhaled Ian. “So what did you want to get?”

“I’ve actually never been her before, I just moved to Sacramento. In fact, I’ve never had Thai food.”

“Risky, I like it.” Ian said playfully. “I’ll order for you.”

"You really don't have to do this." Anthony said in a soft yet concerned tone.

"This is the least I can do for you guys, you guys are great." I smile, and he returns with a smile as well.

"You're not gonna eat alone are you?"

"Well, I was actually."

"You can come with us. We were going to eat it at home, you're welcome to come."

I look over to Ian and he is waving me over to pay. I pay the man behind the counter then we all sit down at a small table. I sit first, then Ian sits closely next to me, Anthony across from us. I look out at the cloudy sky.

"Looks like rain."

"You never answered my question." Anthony said, continuing our conversation.

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