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A dense, palpable fog lies over the ruins of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this morning. It’s hard to believe that the Battle of Hogwarts ended only 6 hours ago. It’s even harder to believe I lost a brother. It’s impossible to believe I woke up next to Harry Potter this morning. Although I think we’ve been dating for quite a few years now, we’ve never actually had that talk (not like we’ve had the chance in the past year). I lifted my head from the pillow to see a dull afternoon light pouring through the eastern window. I slowly rose, careful not to wake Harry, and moved to take in the view. This was no longer the Hogwarts I called home. What had once been a welcoming and accepting place, was now a place cloaked in greif. Just then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, and a warmth that only Harry can arouse spread throughout my chest. We stand in our much needed embrace for a few minutes before either of us were ready to move. I feel Harry move behind me, just enough to lightly kiss my neck. I turn my face to meet his, and we kiss passionately for what feels like an eternity. With a groan, Harry struggled yet succeeded to pull himself away.

“Morning,” Harry whispered as he gazed into my eyes, looking as though he had found something he had long ago lost. I smiled.

“Morning,” I replied, returning his gaze.

“How are you?” he asked.

“I’m not sure, I’m not ready to face it all yet.” I answered him, as honestly as I could.

“Everything is going to be okay, different but okay.” Harry responded.

“Harry,” I began in an uneasy tone, “are we…”

“I love you Ginny, I never want to lose you again,” Harry interupted.

At that moment I kissed him, and knew that with him everything would be alright.

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