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 I checked my watch, and it read 2 o’clock; Ron and I had been surveying the damage of Hogwarts for 4 hours.

“I cant believe its all gone. What are we going to do now?” Ron asked.

“Rebuild, I suppose. It’s not like Hogwarts can be closed; not considering the amount of students that would be left without a place to learn! That would be preposterous,” I replied in a difinitive tone.

“I meant right now,” Ron corrected, moving closer to me and taking my hands.

“So about that kiss...” he asked. I simply replied by kissing him then asking “which one?”

“Nevermind” Ron whispered before kissing me again, more deeply and passionately than before.

After what seemed like an eternity, we parted lips and found our way into what was once the Great Hall. Ron was more than excited to shove his mouth with food as always. I took a look around the room, and I was glad to see Harry and Ginny had finally came to join us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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