Chapter 1

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It was nightfall. (Your Name) was walking through town on the way to the dorms. She stopped briefly to watch Gon and Koban discussing whatever the cat's latest story would be. The girl wanted to throw her club at them, but alas, she didn't want the property damage coming out of her paycheck.

That was when she noticed an extremely out-of-place white head bobbing in the crowd. As it drew closer, (Y/N) heard a familiar voice singing an odd song.

"Nasubi!" she called, waving a hand.

It took the small oni only a moment to notice her. His face lit up, and he ran over.


He grabbed her hands, and swung them back and forth, causing her to drop her club. (Y/N) chuckled, indulging in his little ritual.

"Are you done with work?" she asked, prying one of her hands out of his grip to pick up her belongings. "Do you want to walk home together?"

"Yeah! That sounds good!"

So she let him tag along. To her surprise, he didn't run off or get distracted. In fact, he had that look on his face he always got when he was about to say something either brilliant or stupid.

"What're you thinking about?" (Y/N) asked, leaning over to get a better look at him.

He jolted awake. "Ah, (Y/N), you knew Mr. Hozuki as a kid, right?"

(Y/N) blinked. "Yes, I did. What brought that up?"

"Well, Karauri and I have been wondering what he was like, but when we ask, he always says 'I wasn't very different from how I am now.'"

(Y/N) put a finger to her lips. "Let's see...Hozuki as a child...actually, he wasn't very different from the way he is now."

"Aw, really?"

"Yep. He was a bit more impulsive, I guess. He often had these hair-brained schemes. They always worked out, but I was still terrified we'd get in trouble. The only reason I went along was because I was afraid to say 'no.'" She sighed. "Yeah, I was a big scaredy-cat back then...always hiding behind Hozuki, but not anymore!" she hoisted her club onto her shoulder.

Beside her, Nasubi was staring at the sky. She could almost see him imagining her with a tail and ears.

She was about to whack him over the head when she remembered something.

"Oh, yeah, that's right. Why are you here, anyway? This isn't on your way back from work."

He gasped. "Oh, that's right! King Enma wants to see you!"

(Y/N) blinked. "King Enma? Why?"

"'s see...we were talking about trying to get Mr. Hozuki married, and all of a sudden he yelled 'fetch (Y/N) immediately,' and I was like 'okay,' and now we're here."

(Y/N) groaned. This wasn't going to be good.

"What do you mean you want me to seduce Hozuki?"

Several passing oni jumped at her voice, and scrambled to pick up any dropped scrolls before someone threw a club or sharp object at them. Nasubi was clapping happily, as if they were already getting married.

"But, (Y/N), don't you like him?"

(Y/N) stared at King Enma, taking a moment to process his words before stumbling backwards, waving her hands in front of her face.

Seduction--Hozuki x Reader (Hozuki no ReitetsuWhere stories live. Discover now