The sparks of the night (Teen AU)

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(This isn't a ship chapter as I'm trying to branch out from just ships, this was also based off of one of my favourite memories.)

Tom was sat on his floor packing snacks and drinks into his navy blue backpack, all of a sudden he heard the sound of the doorbell ringing soon followed by his mothers shouting. "Thomas, your friends are here!" She shouted, a smile spread across his face as he quickly put on his blue checker jacket over his plain black shirt with matching black pants, he zipped his bag up and swung the straps of his bag over his shoulders and ran downstairs. As he reached the door he said goodbye to his mum, dad and sister. He opened the door to reveal his three closest friends, Edd, Tord, and Matt. Edd was wearing a black hoodie and dark blue jeans, all three of them were also wearing a backpack, Edd's was a small brown one with a couple of band names stitched on. Tord was wearing a plain red shirt with a leather jacket on top, he was also wearing a pair of long brown shorts. His bag was a huge black backpack mostly used for camping. Finally, Matt was wearing a check shirt just like Tom, except his was purple. He had grey jacket with the harry potter logo on and he was also wearing a pair of black jeans. His bag was a pink and blue galaxy bag Tom had given him for his birthday. "You ready Tom?" Edd asked excited. "Hell yeah!" Tom replied, and with that they were on their way.

All of the boys lived in the same small village, and that village just so happened to have a massive set of woods right behind it. All of them loved going to this one certain place in the woods, it was like their safe place, they called it "The climbing tree" because there was massive tree that they all could climb. But that wasn't why they usually went there, they went there because they all sat upon this nature made stone wall that was next to the tree.

After about 5 minutes they arrived, it was starting to become dark out but that just made everything more fun. They went on top of the wall and sat down taking off their bags and started taking things out. Tom placed all of the drinks and snacks in front of him, he also got out his pocket sized speaker along with his phone, Matt had took out two full bags of party poppers and a pack of snapping glow up sticks. Edd brought a couple of blankets just in case it got too cold for him, along with a pack of cola. And Tord, oh boy! Tord got out an axe and small saw from his bag, along with some pieces of cotton and a lighter. "I'll be right back guys!" Tord said, picking up his axe and walking deeper into the woods. After a minute or so he returned carrying some dead dried up branches, leaves and stones. He sat down placing everything in front of him, everyone knew he liked to do this stuff so they didn't think anything weird of it. "Yay a fire, we can roast marshmallows!" Matt exclaimed grabbing the pack from tom waiting for Tord to light the fire grabbing a stick Tord had told him he could use. He was finally finished and they all had a fire now.

Everyone was having a great time, just chatting and eating junk together. They were in the middle of telling a story until it was interrupt by a loud bang. They all looked to the sky and saw bright lights everywhere. "The fireworks have started!" Tord said in a gasp. Even though it was really pretty, they didn't watch it for long as they all decided to be idiots and use all glow up things and party poppers Matt had brought, and Tom started playing some music from his speaker. 

It was starting to get really dark out and since their village isn't the safest place ever they decided to go to the park, not before stopping by a house that was near the entrance of the woods and getting a nice warm jacket potato with cheese and beans that the family was handing out to the people of the village. After eating their food and hanging around the swings telling each other corny jokes and giving each other dares to do, they eventually had to go home.

They went home after the best day ever.

(Lmao I'm gonna put down who was who from the story with my friends, gonna use the nicknames we have for them though. 

Matt: Me

 Edd: Fap (she didn't bring anything so I just made something up for Edd)

Tord: Hunk (yes like off voltron he looks just like Hunk)

Tom: Llama )

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