Chapter 3

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The others noticed how uncomfortable and in pain he was, so they took action and yanked her away from the other male. She was about to yell at them, only to realize her omega was in pain. She was right by his side, nuzzling and whimpering by his side, “I’m sorry, Jimin. Don’t be sad please.” She continued to ask for forgiveness, slowly earning his forgiveness until Dojung growled at the sight, “Xi An, what are you doing? You’re an alpha! Why are you asking for forgiveness from a lowly omega?” He sneered, receiving dangerous growls from the other higher ranking wolves. Xi An was even growling at his offensive words, “Watch what you say, Dojung. He is your future alpha, your pack leader. One offensive word of him is like saying the same thing to me, so watch your tongue.” She hissed, continuing to nuzzle against Jimin. He did the same thing, purring while holding her close.

Dojung was taken aback by her sudden attitude and words, but said nothing else. He knew that mistreating an alpha's mate would immediately lead to disaster, so he kept his mouth shut. He still felt angered that his future alpha female was mated to a lowly omega like him. He thought that she deserved a strong alpha mate or at least a mate that of high ranks. He sighed, knowing it as futile though since she seemed very much in love with him as he was for her, “You know very well that your mother will certainly not allow him to be your mate, right? She’ll probably chain him up or murder him in order to prevent you from being with him.” Dojung warned with a indecisive look in his eyes. Xi An simply shrugged as she looked at the male with the same look he had, “If she tried anything on him, she’s dead. He is my mate, the only one that will satisfy my body and soul. If I lose him, the pack loses their alpha and luna. If my mother tries to take that from me, she’ll face my wrath. You of all people should know how I am when it comes to things that mean a lot to me. Remember when she denied me from going to my dad’s funeral and I sent her to the hospital? They told me that if I had hit her one more time, she would’ve died. So she knows not to mess with me.” She said with authority, chilling the other men with how dangerous the small girl really could be.

“Jimin, why are you so worried for? Is it because of earlier? I promised you I wouldn’t let her touch you and I always keep my promises. You heard me when I said I nearly killed her when I was younger, meaning I’m much stronger now than a few years ago. Please don’t worry about earlier and speak to me.” Xi An whimpered out. Jimin though still said nothing. He feared that Xi An wouldn’t be around if something happened and her mother would take that opportunity to strike. Xi An could feel the fear he radiated, causing her to worry even more. She placed her hand on the locked door, wishing he hadn’t locked it in the first place. The thought of her mate in fear worried her more since she couldn’t be near him and comfort him the way a normal mate would do for their mates. It took 3 hours until the tall omega was able to even open the door, resulting in Xi An to tackle him in a bear hug.

“Please never do that again! I was losing my mind every minute you didn’t open the door! I wanted to respect your privacy, but I was slowly losing my patience and as so close to just kicking the door!” Xi An cried out as she hugged the boy close. Jimin whimpered when he saw his mate crying, so he hugged her back and pecked her forehead in a comforting way, “I’m sorry, Xi An. I was just worried about what would happen if you weren’t around and she did something to me? I don’t want to leave you.” He whimpered. Xi An held in a squeal as she saw how cute he was even if he didn’t see it himself. She cupped his face and pecked him on the lips, almost yelping when she felt sparks when their lips touched. Jimin wasn’t too sure of what the sparks were, but he felt the need to deepen the peck, making it something more passionate. He hesitantly pulled her by the waist, his hands gripping her sides softly as he slowly began to kiss her. She was shocked, pulling away with a stunned emotion. Jimin saw her expression and was confused by her reaction, “Jimin I know we’re mates, but we have to take it slow remember? I don’t want us to rush into things like kissing. Why not keep it to pecks, hugs, and so on except kissing and other adult stuff for now? I want to know the you that others might know, but I don’t.”

He nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed that he kissed her in such a way in the first place. He didn’t understand why, but he wanted to move to the next level; marking her, claiming what was rightfully his; but didn’t in fear that she would leave him like others have in the past. Xi An immediately sensed the embarrassment and anxiety radiate off the tall omega, causing the girl to hug him once more, “I might not know what is wrong, but at least I can give you this much comfort. Please don’t keep things from me. I will tell you of my past and you can tell me yours when you feel like telling me. I won’t rush you into it.” She cooed, pecking his cheek multiple times, causing the boy to smile at her affection.


“Jimin!! C’mere!” Hoseok’s voice bounced off the walls, making the others cringe at his loud voice. The others simply laughed at how the others reacted to the energetic boy. Jimin soon entered the room with a confused expression before seeing him with a spoon of an unknown liquid. He felt fear soon enter his body, but still made his way over to the older male with a weary look in his eyes, “Can you taste this for your hyung? I need to make sure the other food doesn’t burn up like the last time I cooked. Please?” He asked, using puppy eyes to persuade the boy into tasting the most likely poisonous food. Jimin cringed, but tasted it anyways, nearly collapsing onto the floor from how terrible the food tasted. Hoseok felt offended as Jungkook and Taehyung burst out in laughter while Seokjin and Namjoon approach Jimin worriedly.

"Next time, taste test it yourself or else Xi An will come for you." Namjoon pointed out. A few seconds later, loud vibrations could be heard. Hoseok and the others were confused, but the resident pack members simply continued with their day. Just as Namjoon was about to ask what was going on, Xi An ran up to the four boys, snatching Jimin from Jin and Namjoon, "What happened?? I felt Jimin vanished for a second." She explained, cupping his face and nuzzling him gently. No one said a word. They knew what she was capable of, but they said nothing. That is until Taehyung pointed towards Hoseok, "Hoseok asked Jimin to taste his 'soup’ which resulted in him nearly dying.” Taehyung said nonchalantly. Xi An glared at Hoseok for a second before going back to trying to wake er mate up. After what seemed like forever, Jimin woke up with a dazed look. He looked around trying to figure out where he was until his eyes landed on his mate. His eyes immediately softened, reaching out for her cheek as he smiled at her, “What’s wrong? Did something happen?” He asked, becoming worried as he saw the scared look in her eyes. She simply pulled him into a tense hug as her body shook. No tears came, but she was at the verge of tearing up. She couldn’t believe she was a wreck over him almost dying of food poisoning. Now she knew how easily he could be taken from her, worrying her even more.

“I swear to the moon goddess that I’ll keep you with me no matter what and if anyone tries to take you from me, I’ll end them before they can even touch you. I can’t lose you now that I barely got you.” She whimpered out. He simply nodded, holding her body close while the others watched in confusion. The other residential pack members had left right after she had arrived, clearly indicating how dangerous she was when it came to certain stuff, “Ok, let’s get this straight. I didn’t try to kill him. I only wanted to see  if it tasted edible which clearly isn’t so it’s about time I stay away from the kitchen supplies for a while before I kill someone else.” Hoseok said, receiving a few chuckles from the young warriors. Xi An simply ignored the others, making sure that he was ok before standing him up. He seemed a little out of it, but he was overall ok. Just as she was about to help him on a chair though, she heard her mother’s growl from the upper floor.

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