Cookies and Spells

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“Hey guys, want to go to the library today?” I asked, looking at my three friends, Josh, Kylie and Mitchell.

“Nah, I’ll pass” Josh said waving as he headed home.

“I’ll pass too, see ya!” She said dashing after Josh, her boyfriend.

“I’ll come, I guess…” Mitchell said scratching the back of his head.

“Great! I’ll be in the manga section as usual. Just make sure to drag me out at 5 ok?” I ask running to the library, leaving Mitchell behind with a face like O_O.

“Watch out Emilie!” He exclaimed pointing in my direction and on that note, I ran into a pole. A hard one.

“Ow… What is this pole doing here?” I ask, getting up.

“I don’t know, I’ve never seen it before.” Mitchell said puffing. “Other than that, how were you running that fast? You were going like, 90 km per hour!”

“I was? What? 90 km per hour!?!” I asked, making a face like O_O. “I know I’m awesome but I never knew I was THAT AWESOME!!! WOO!”

“Where are we again?” He asked looking around. “And what is a book doing here? Is it yours Emilie?”

“No, I’ve never seen it before.” And on that exact note, it started raining. I instinctively picked up the book and hid it in my back pack. Then, I was struck by lightning and blacked out.

{5 hours later…}

Still Emilie’s POV


“Jerry! Gimme back my damn cookies!” I yelled, trying to grab him.

*Poke Poke*

I make a face like O_- opening one eye. “Damn you Mitchell! Jerry took my cookies!” I scolded whacking his head.

“It isn’t my fault you dream about cookie thief gummy bears! Plus, I took you home on my back!” He yelled over me.

“That explains why I’m here, why’d I black out?” I ask, rubbing my head.

“You were struck by lightning; I jumped out of the way. You took the full damage to the head” He said, chuckling.

“YOU MUST PAY FOR THAT!” I said, glomping him into a tickle fight. Then, on that note, I blacked out. AGAIN!

{20 minutes later…}

“Argh! What happened?” I ask, my leg feeling numb.

“You blacked out, which saved my life.” He said getting ready to run.

“Let’s resume our tickle fight shall we?” I ask letting off an evil miasma and he bolted out of my house.

“You better run!” I yell beck at him who was still running even though he was out of my range. “That vision… I saw a plant and me but I forgot the rest damn it!! You only get 1 vision in your life!” I yelled at myself, stressed.

I took out the book I had taken. It was named 'spells’. Interesting… I flipped to a random page and said one spell aloud.

 And then I left it on my pillow.

I went into bed, chucked my backpack beside my bed and blacked out into a deep sleep.

What I didn’t know was that the book named 'spells’ was floating in mid-air and then a plant started growing from the plant.

The plant grabbed my neck and started choking me in my deep sleep.

*Strangle Strangle*

“Arg! You are not going to choke me with your donut around my neck Daisuke!” I said, trying to pull the donut off my neck.

It was too tight and hard.

I choked to death, leaving Jerry and Daisuke with my cookies.

I revived from the dead with the power of general awesomeness!

“Huh? What am I doing here? I thought Daisuke’s donut killed me?” I asked myself.

And then I saw the plant.

“Yo plant! Wanna piece o’ me? Huh? I’ll kill you no problem!” I yelled as the plants branch picked me up by the foot.

It opened its jaw and lifted me up above its head.

“Emilie, you’re late for school…” Mitchell and Josh said in unison.

Thinking it is an illusion, Mitchell says, “Giant plant… Well, I’ll leave you to do the work Josh. You always say you’re strong as a professional body builder right?” Turning around and bolting for the door.

“N-No way!” Said Josh but then said “Fine! I’ll take you on plant!” after seeing me dangling in the air.

He dashed straight the body but tripped over a branch and was then picked up by a moving branch.

“Damn it! Lemme go!” Yelled Josh, dangling upside down.

“You’re hopeless Josh!” Kylie said, flexibly jumping over branches and evading moving branches.

She grabbed the book and took out a blender she found in the kitchen. The plant let us go when she chucked the book into the blender along with the plant.

“See how simple it is?” Kylie asks Josh. Kylie then dumps the blended book and plant out the window, right on top of Mitchell, who was waiting for the plant to be taken care of.

“What the?!?” Cries Mitchell’s voice.

“You deserve it Mitchell!” Yelled Kylie, giggling.

“Has anyone realized we’re late for school?” I ask and rolling my eyes as Kylie said “OH YEAH!”

“Nuh-uh! Not without me! The real clean, handsome me!” Mitchell said, soaked in green, white and black ooze.

Josh, Kylie and I broke into huge series of laughs.

~The End~

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