Meet Genesis

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This is my inspiration because that face is so adorable anyways hope you like my new book

   My name is Genesis Allen and my daddy is the fastest man alive my grandma was killed by something impossible. My grandpa went to prison for it. My dad and I were stucked by lightning and and became the impossible he will do any thing to keep my mommy and I safe he is the flash but I am Genesis.

  Flashback :  ( no pun intended )

   Barry and Iris were both sitting on the couch with a very angry Joe in front of them, "so can you please explain to me again why I found this in the trash can in your room", he held up a pregnancy test that read positive. Barry eyes shot up and Iris covered her face with her hands Barry quickly got up and looked at what was in Joes hand, 

      "your pregnant please, please don't tell me that my little girl is going to have a child at 18 years old". "Dad please stop", Joe dropped the test on the little coffee table next to him. He sat down next to Iris while she cried Joe hugged and comforted Iris as she sobbed into his suit. 

    "Now Iris who is the dad please I need to know this", Iris looked scard, she was afraid of what her dad will think. 

  Then barry looked at both of them and spoke as tears ran down his eyes I'm the father, it's me.

       Genesis p.o.v

I ran inside my daddy's lab I could hear my mom yelling at me to slow down I saw my dad doing science things "daddy", he got up off his chair, smiling at me and I ran up into his arms.

    "Ok I am ready to see this atom smasher, smashing", my mom said. "There was a shooting today your dad needs me to process some evidence which means I don't think we will be able to make it to star labs", my dad said disappointed.
     "But seeing this thing turn on is like your dream, your sad little nerdy dream besides I cancelled a date for this", my mom said eating one of my dad's fries. "Hand's off my fries unbelievable", then I took one of daddy's fries my mom gave me a small and a little high five then she continued talking,  "I'm stress eating over my dissertation,  we started selling cronuts at jitters today and I ate two.

    "If I don't graduate soon I'll be more muffin top then woman",  she said eating another one of dad's fries. "You look amazing", mom rolled her eyes and handed me fries we both laughed softly as I noticed dad head turned away, properly trying to hide his feelings I know he loves her not in a way of caring for someone. I don't even know what love is but I know it's in a way that he will do any thing to stay with her. 

    "What's so important about this partial excelerator anyways", she said walking towards him with a magazine in her hand. "Harrison work in quantum theory is light-years in any thing there doing in S. E. R. N", my dad blabbed. "your doing that thing when your not speaking English", "ok", he worked behind her looking for a marker, "here one", I said proudly.

      "Thanks imagine that dot is everything the human race has learned intill this moment", I raised my hand "yes Genesis", "does that include twerking", then he completely ignored my question. "And that", he drew a much bigger circle around the little dot "is everything we could learn from the particle excelerator it's a whole new way of looking at physics it will literally change the way we think about everything", my mom placed her hand on my dad's shoulder "you got to get yourself a girlfriend", "hey leave him alone he's working",  I hear my grandpa say "poppop", I ran to hug him he picked me up and put me at his waist,."Hi dad",  my mom said.

      I hear a beep "your test thingy is done",  I said. Poppop carried me to were mom and dad was standing "I think the Mardon brothers are hiding on a farm", my dad rambled. "the fecal matter I found on the street is cow manure which contained traces of oxytetracycline it's an antibiotic, there are only four farms in the area who still uses it in there feed. Bet your find a sweet Shelby parked at one of them", "dad seeming how barry solved your poop problem, how about letting him go to S. T. A. R labs".

       We waited to see what poppop would say. "Please", I said with my puppy dog face."fine go" "thank you Joe", dad said smiling "hey forgetting someone", I said with my hands on my hips. "Right sorry", dad scoped me up and ran us out of the room. 


"So Barry how was your trip", my parents arms were locked together and my mom held my hand "did you find proof of the impossible in starling city or did you just make my dad mad for no reason", she joked.

    "Actually while I was away I had a chance  to think about you know relationships, "oh boy", I thought. "And i'm not in one,  and your not in one either and your my best friend Iris", he was cut off by Iris.

    "Your mine to why else would I be here" "that's not what I ment I me..." " I know what your going to say Barry"  "I'm not sure you do" he was cut off again by mom "even though we pretty much grew up in the same house together, and we're kinda like brother and sister and even after Genesis was born and decided not to go into a relationship, because we're not brother and sister or in a relationship it can get really weird and awkward to talk to me about girls but I just want to let you know it shouldn't be awkward there's nothing more I want for you to meet the right person that totally loves and adores you for the amazing guy that you are", she said smiling.

    "Took the words right out of my mouth", dad said smiling back at her. "Awww  aren't you glad I know you so well", they both gigged.

    "Hi my name is Harrison wells to night the future begins..." then the man started talking about quantum theory I don't know what that is I am only 5 and a half.

     But my dad looks happy so I'm happy then I felt a shove someone took my mom's bag.

     Daddy someone took so mommy's bag I wined trying to get his attention. He ran into the crowd my mom picked me up and walked torwds the exit but by the time we both got there my dad was hurt and the guy got away.

  We went to C. C. P. D were my dad and poppop works my dad nose was all busted up "who is that guy and what is he so proud of, so what he caught a mugger", my mom said not impressed.

   "he's a transfer from keystone started a few weeks ago Eddie Thawne", my dad said. "Oh that's detective pretty boy", they both looked at me.

     "That's what poppop calls him because he actually keeps score of his arrest", I elaborated.

     "He is pretty though", my mom said eyeing him and my dad looks disappointed again. 

   I watched my mom leave and my dad asked if I wants to stay with him I said sure.

    Then we went up to his lab my dad took his bloody tissue paper and though it away he turned the computer on to watch the news a lady said how the rain won't effect the particle excelerator.

      I was hopping in the little water puddles trying to entertain myself I saw my dad put up a chart he stick something on there I know that chart to we'll the case of my grandma Nora he is trying to figure out who really killed her.

    I walked to my dad's side "I have ment Henry once and he seems like a nice person, I think he didn't killed her" I told my dad he smiled at me then the lady on the news said that S. T. A. R labs is being evacuated and there trying to shut down the particle excelerator.

   Then the power cut off and I saw star labs explode "daddy I'm scard", I said hugging his trench coat  "it's ok Jenny I'm right here" he grabbed the chains to close the windows.

    I saw the liquid from the shelf rise then lighting crashed though the large windows it struck us both I felt the glass perce my skin as I passed out on the floor hopeing my daddy is ok.

Hope you like my first chaper of my new book all rights reserved to cw the flash and bla bla bla there will be a part 2 of course tell me what until next time

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