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"Okay, he should be able to move now... Cyber Command: PROJECT: Sans activate."

The robotic skeleton's eye sockets lit up as you could see two white dots in them. He looked around the room for a little bit until his "eyes" met yours. You gave him a small smile, "Hello Sans! My name is (Y/N), your creator. Are you able to speak?" You asked, holding a pen and a clipboard, ready to write down anything regarding the robot's actions and behaviour.

The skeleton robot only gave you a weird look, as if he wasn't able to understand you. A frown made its way upon your face. 'Oh... Maybe I messed up his vocal program, or maybe I forgot to put in his voice disk.' You were about to deactivate him again to work on him when you saw him nod at your question. He seemed a little bit hesitant with his answer.

"yep", he said. Either his vocals were still messed up or he was just shy about his first interaction with his creator, and his first interaction in general. He didn't seem to want to talk, that's why. You smiled again and wrote something down.

"Can you move every part of your body?" You asked him again. Sans slowly stood up from the table he was sitting on and just then realized that he was wearing nothing but shorts and a shirt while being attached to a wire, which attached to the back of his processor. But it didn't bother him, especially since he has never been alive before. And he still wasn't really alive.

You mentally cheered as the skeleton robot moved his body's joints like any other normal skeleton monster could do it. You were kind of proud of Sans and yourself. After writing some more on your clipboard, you looked up at Sans, who just gave you a puzzled look. You made sure to get a very long wire for this situation, so you wouldn't have to worry about the skeleton robot's wire. "Alright, follow me, I'd like to see what you can do after watching some channels about science, cooking and other interesting shows."

He followed you to the living room of your house. You told him to sit down on the couch while you switched through a couple of channels. Once you found the right one, you gave him the remote and told him to only press specific buttons to switch between the channels.

"Record everything you see on the TV, your learning program should process it all just fine. But if you do experience something wierd, I'm right in the other room. Call me if your processor doesn't save the information given." And with that you walked into the kitchen and left him alone to learn on his own. While he was recording and processing the information, you decided to finish your application and send the e-mail to STAR Industries.

You sighed, 'I hope they will hire me. I just wish to work with my idols.' Yes, you had idols, three of them actually. Their names were Ink, Dream and Blueberry. Weird names, but you knew that those were just nicknames, codenames to hide their real identity. Nobody outside of STAR Industries has ever seen them, people were usually interviewed by higher staff members. You were suddenly feeling a little bit tired. But who could blame you? It's been about two days since you had proper sleep, all because you were determined to finish "PROJECT: Sans" first before caring about your own needs.

A little bit of sleep couldn't hurt, right? Sans would still be recording anyway, so you wouldn't have to supervise him for a while. You sat down onto the nearest kitchen chair. Your eyelids felt heavy as you closed your eyes. It didn't take long for you to go into slumber.

[Published: 3/10/18]

PROJECT: Evil (Robotic!Bad Guys X Scientist!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now