Chapter 2 ~ PROJECT: Nightmare

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|Note: There is no image because I still need to work on the Bad Guy's robotic versions. The next update WILL contain Nightmare's image as well as the next skeleton.|

The man behind the desk smiled at you. "Ah, Ms.(L/N), please take a seat. Your companion may sit down as well." You hesitantly sat down as the other man stood next to the guy that seemed to be the one to interview you, he seemed very familiar to you. You told Sans to sit down as well, and surprisingly, he did. You shyly smiled back.

"Good day. I-It's a pleasure to meet you in person, (G/N), sir." The man's smile widened at your polite greeting, and the fact that you already knew him.

"The pleasure is all mine, Ms.(L/N). I will ask you a few questions as a little warm-up, if that's okay with you", (G/N) said. But wait, what did he mean by "warm-up"? Wasn't this interview the main focus of the application? Then again, you've never been to an interview before, and STAR Industries probably has another way of picking qualified scientists.

You hummed in agreement, nodding. "Excellent. Now, on to question number one: What exactly is your main focus as a scientist? There are plenty of specific paths a scientist can take, what did you choose to become?"

Oh, that was an easy one. "Um, a-a scientist of m-mechanics, sir. Y-You might have already n-noticed it by now", you answered, gesturing towards your robotic friend. "Although, I-I do still have an interest in nature and b-biology."

(G/N) nodded, writing something onto his clipboard. "Well, since you seem to be an already advanced mechanic," he eyed Sans, "what else have you created so far?"

"My first creations were smaller things that can make someone's life a little easier by helping them within the house. Then I've worked on certain programs to give both, creation and creator, more options to work", you sheepishly smiled. "B-But PROJECT: Sans is the very first self-aware robot I've worked on, s-so he's still a, uh, p-prototype", you added.

"I see", the man looked back up from his notes, "Say, what makes STAR Industries attractice in your eyes? Why did you choose to apply here instead of at any of the other competing corporations?"

You smiled, "There are multiple reasons, actually, but the greatest reason would be that it has always been my dream to work with other scientist who know more about technology than how to build a toaster with a radio." You spoke sincerely without stammering, giggling at the end. (G/N) chuckled as well.

"I like your sense of humor. Indeed, it's a great ordeal to see people still working on small and almost too common mechanics nowadays. But we all start somewhere, don't we?" He wrote down something else on his clipboard before looking back up at you with a serious face. You were a little bit worried, so you looked over to Sans, seeking for comfort. But Sans just stared intensely at the man, as if he was waiting for any type of movement that could be a danger to you.

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