The Ungodly Machine (Escape The Night, Season 1)

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So Shane is dead, who is next to join him? 😈

Shane just died straight infront of our eyes, we all look at each other in shock and despair, knowing that it could've been us. Then Arthur interrupts the awkward silence and says,
"Let's go to the automobile!" We all panic and leave, while everyone was on the stairway leading down to the cold concrete (that only I was standing on) I turn around to tell everyone it is safe, but mid- sentence, an explosion happens behind me, sending me flying onto on my back,
"OMG! MY KNEE!" I hear Oli saying, as I look up, I see Oli sitting up, with a cut in his knee. I get up and walk over to him, with the help of Justine, We carry him into the house. I lay him down atop one of the cream coloured sofa's, streaking the gold detailing while bringing my hands back into a neutral position. Arthur and The Maid examine Oli's knee,
"No vital injuries, just with a few bandages and some numbing alcohol, he will feel much better." Arthur says, he walks away with The Maid quickly following his trail. We all sit down. Until Andrea spots a note in the grandfather clock. She takes it out and reads it aloud to the rest of the group,

"The experiment with the College Students went well, we got her to live again, but it drained a ton of the power. But an artefact was used in place of electricity. If you need this relic, you will need the key to the basement. But I can't quite remember the code, but I know that the location is in the wooden cabinet in the The Office. The only things that can help me remember the code to it are the 4 elements, Water, Earth, Fire and Air."

When Andrea finished reading the note I immediately thought that If we found all the symbols maybe there would be a number and that would get the code. So we set off into groups, my group was: me, Eva and Sierra. And we had to find Air. So we went to look in the office and almost exactly when we walked in the room, Eva said,
"OMG, the fan? Air!" So I went over and grabbed a pen and stuck it in between the blades, and it stopped. We got the number;
Air: 5
Then me, Sierra and Eva split up to help the others, I went over to help: Andrea, Lele and Matt who where in The Lounge,  I went in and they said they were looking for Fire, so we all look around and Lele points out that in the corner on the table there was a circular dish type thing on it with a wire coming out the back,
"Good spotting, Lele." I say as I walk over to the contraption and kneel down, I grab the wire and try to spot out and outlet.
"Hey Matt, could you carry this thing over to the wall, near the outlet?" His reply was nodding his head and picking it up, we all walked over to the outlet, I plug it in and it reveals the number;
Fire: 1
Then Eva walks in shouting,
"Put down, Earth 2!"
Earth: 2
Then Joey comes over and says,
"And Water 3!"
Water: 3
So putting them in order of Water, Earth, Fire and Air I got the code 3215. I entered the code and it worked, we got the panel/key to the basement. Now, the worst part, Arthur said we had to Vote for one person to go into the challenge,
"I have a method of voting, you will write down the name of the person who you would want to go into the challenge. Then you place it into this hat, I will pick the first two people."
So we walked into the Lounge. We all sat down, and we all looked stressed.
"Okay, You have some time to discuss who you want to go into the challenge." Arthur says suspiciously. We set off into two groups, but I could tell there was some beef going on between Lele and Matt. So we are discussing and we started saying how it was Joey's mansion, so he must have something to do with it. So we made a decision to vote Joey. It was time to vote.

Andrea: Joey
Matt: Lele
Gabbie: Andrea
Timothy: Lele
Justine: Andrea
Sierra: Andrea
Joey: Lele
Oli: Lele
Lele: Matt
GloZell: Joey
Eva: Andrea

So then the votes come in, and I am scared for my life. Arthur reaches into his hat and pulls out a name, he unwraps it slowly, looks at it and says,
"The first person is," We all look at eachother in despair, "Andrea." I look over at Andrea, feeling bad that I voted for her. He reaches into the Hat Of Doom one more time. He pulls out another piece of folded paper, he again unfolds it slowly, and we share some more looks of worry, then he starts speaking,
"Second person is, Le Le." I but in and say,
"It's pronounced LayLay, But spelt Lele." He looked at me and says,
"Thank you, But now it's time for you to pick your partner, Andrea seen as you were picked first you can choose first."
She looks at us all and then says something she'd regret,
"Justine." Justine's reply was,
"WAIT, WHY ME, I AM STUPID YOU DONT WANT ME AHH!" Lele smiles and then says,
"Okay then, I choose Gabbie!" When she chose my name I was feeling some reluctance about going but I want Lele to live!
"I will save you girl!" We all stand up and walk down to the basement. We get down there and inside were two glass machines and two rusted ones infront of them.
"I quit, OMG NOOO!" I walk infront of my station. And Lele walks into the machine. Andrea does the same, and then the timer dings, I start with the switches and the buttons, then I see the instructions are in a different language. And then it happened, I started to freak out. But I wasn't giving up. I just kept pushing the buttons and flipping the levers. Until I had completed it. I was given another slip, it said I had to stick my hand in ice cold water to get the bolt to unlock the panel. So I slip off my silk glove, and I dip my hand into the water and unscrew the bolt, I had to take my hand out halfway through because that water was like -100*C. I stick my hand back in and finish unscrewing the bolt, I pull my hand out fast. Then I look over to Justine who wasn't even taking off her glove. Then I unscrew the panel and it slips down and inside are some wires, I get handed another slip and told my where the wires should go. I did them all perfectly until I came to blue. I look over at Justine again, to see she was at the same stage as me. So I look at the instructions again and I find it! I stick it in and the key comes out and I run over to Lele's machine, unlocking it letting her out. But then I look over to see Andrea's machine filled up with thick, dark gray smoke. She was fighting against it, until it just stopped. She was dead. We were about to walk out until Arthur handed us the Artefact. I grab it out of his hand. And we walk back up. We get back into the lounge and everyone was so happy that Lele and I came back. Except for Timothy. We sat down and beef between Justine and Timothy came up. I told them that Justine wasn't trying at all. That she didn't take off her glove. Then Justine butted in and said,
"Maybe she deserved to go!" Then we all look at eachother.
Was she working with The Evil?

-Jack 💙❤️💜

Escape The Night (Real Stories) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now