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Dro P.O.V


Beep Beep Beep Beep!

ughhh that's my stuipd ass alarm always waking a bitch up out their sleep than at than I was have a good ass dream about Dazyy Mann I was fuckib the hit outta her the dream was everything he was doing tricks on m dick splits and all shidd can't wait to that dream come true

But let me get my ass up and get ready for the THOT house A.K.A school I took a 30 Minute Gower got out and but on my 2 PAC jacket and my true religion pants with some Gammas  and was on my way out

At School

"Wassup Bae"

I said as I was apporchig Dazyy

as she turned around I noticed she had a scare behind her ear I made a mental note to ask where she got to from

"Nigga get too tiedd ass away ion cuff dogs boy" she said with straight attitude

I would be lying if I said that didn't turn me on a women who can hold her on and tell it stairght how it is mannnnn that's what I need

Dazyy P.O.V

Mann I been on the phone with Kayla ever since we got home he was telling me how Dro is the biggest hoe ever how he done fucked the whole school and block I was dying she was like e a IHop Hoe than she was like skkkirrrrrr N.A.H ALERT like wtf is a N.A.H guess what this bitch said

she even made a song

Dazyy got a N.A.H nigga

He A Nasty Ass How

With that Community Dick

Smelling like get done ran through Her pussy

bruhhh y'all just don't she had me rolling last night

that's why when he came up to me today talking bout wassup bae I was like bitch bye in my head but I ain't say it I was just being mean and rude it was funny to me tho but today I gotta stay on my A game because that gang should be coming for us but they don't know us as Dazyy or Kayla they know use ass Killer K and Dangerous D

*First Period*

Me and Kayla was walking to our first period class until I bumped into something hard as hell and fell flat on my. ass

" oh my bad baby girl I ain't see you their" he said as he reached his hand out to help e back up lawewddddd when I heard his voice it was so sexy made me want to drop the panties right here than Kayla ass kept on walking after he helped me up he slid a paper in my shirt and walked away

"Kayla bring too midget ass here Cuz Ima fyck too duck head ass up " I yelled at her she quckily turned around and bust out laughing but Mann was I serious

as we walked in to our class we heard a lot of whispers but most was on Kayla part see Kayla was the unknown Daughter of 2 PAC so which meant she had 2 PAC qualitys and all but this one how had hella balls to say something

"That bitch ain't 2 PAC daughter cno what's he might be his daughter Cuz she ain't shit and he wasn't shit" she said while laughing

I swear Kayla did a 1.5 U-turn and punched that hoe dead in the face than the how friend pulled Kayla hair and u know I wasn't gone sit their and watch I grabed that other hoe and punched her one time and she was done but kayl and that hoe was still at it because Kayla short and ppl take her hieght and underestimate her but Kayla was coin ham man she was throwing blows after blows after blows than the sercurtiy came in and pulled them away so now we was in the front offices I wasn't gone let her go down by herself than we got suspended for 5 days so I said fuck it grabed my shit and left with Kayla than the leat expected happened and I black out while her in Kayla yell my name....

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