dfff bitch no ?

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Dazy P.O.V

So today was the day he decided to grow so balls and come speak to he I mean I would be lying I'd I say I wasn't glad or happyi had good butterflies

Hey he said happly
Hi I said dryly "well ma I must say u look very sexy in that skirt" he said cockly than I noticed Kayla walking up looking worried
"Dazy we need to talk RIGHT FUCKING KNOW" Sshe said very loud she cause a few people to look our way so I grabbed her hand and walked quckily out the hallway
"Wassp Kay ? ik u seen me with that fine ass boy df your problem is? I asked a liltle annoyed
"we'll Dazy I pulled you away cuz while you sitting their flirting wit that niggawe was getting robbed " she. said sarcastically

okay well yal prolly confused she said robbed she mean our empire DDD is the name of our gang that's like me and Kayla stress reliver and we been in the gang since we was 13 and been running these streets ever since but recently we have had a new fellow gang rival and thay talking bout oh we gone the over and shit like df ? bitch bye but these stress know me as Dangerous Dazy and Kayla as Killer K. together we make D.K but most these ppl dont even know what we look like cuz we keep such a low profile like we would walk right pass the enemy and they would even know that we beefing crazy right ?

"Andro but call me Dro" he said back....

Dro PO.V.

OOKAYYYY yall well my name is Andro but everybody call me dro why ? cuz i like dro the only people who i let call me by my real name is my grandma

yall prolly llike why not ya mama to well because i diont have one well when i was born she left me on the side of a trap house and left me their to die so its like df ? my grandma is my mama but fr tho idk who my mama is never seen her a day in my life eversince i was born the only thing i have lefy of her is some old pictures

but the people inside the trap house took me in and should me evrything we GLOCK445 for life mannnn thats the gang i own yes i said i own beacuse the man who took me in was the leader but passed it down to me and he is like a farthly figure to me but blah blah and like a few years back i found my grandama amd their it iss..

and i plan on taking over Chi town cuz this other gang called DDD is like their "LEADER" or w.e *but not for long cuz ima kill every single one of that DDD gang membership shit they all gone die

but after school over ima see wassup with this robbery we did on one of DDD trap houses and i wass meet D.K to Dangerous D and Killer K all these people afraid of their asses but not me ion care who they is but i plan on makeing it my bussines to find out who they is if its noit the last thing i do.

Kayla P.O.V

After school was over me and dazyy rushed to the manie trap house and got ready for this mission thats supose to go down tonight my people say they know who did this shit it was our rival Gang GLOCK445 they ass went into hiding for like damn near 6 months why in they hell did they come back for fucking reveange ? but shid ion care i like killing ppl but i got ready i put on my black tight fighted dress that show all my curves and my black tims i put my gun starp on my thigh and but my hair in bun never wear you hair out or in a poinytail why? cuz when you decide to run away and you have very long hair they snatach yoo ass back by your hair and you get defeated

and my boo Dazy had on a black t-shirt and black tights with black combat boots her hair was also in a high bun she be slick with it tho she had a blade in her bun and a gun on her side another blade in her titty she be prepraed and this bitch had mace "pepper spary"

"you ready"? i asked her she gave me that evil smirk and i knew what time it was but out plan was to just go up to the second leavel of the trap house and leave the first level and second level niggas dead on the spot no clean up just dead and to add on to the it was just me and Dazy but at this moment their wasnt no Kayla or no Dazy it was Killer K and Dangerous Dazy

we arrived at their trap house and got out did THEIR sercet knock and was in this niggas dumb their serect kncok is that reguarl black people kncok it was to easy we went in blasting these niggas we had our gun on silence so they couldnt hear our gun shots and then at that it was only got damn near 6 people their and the second level was 10 people and i got five them niggas and Dangerous D got 5 peopel i noticed a nigga had her bye her thoart i laughed to myself cuz they just didnt know what she was this bitch was fucking CRAZY yoo she slid her blade out her bun and slide that nigga throat open litterally his head was ont the ground than we hurd some nosies we finishe shooting them niggas and left within 2 mintues flat changed our clothes and was on our way home job well done

Dro P.O.V

i was at my trap house chillen smokinh a big fat blunt while getting my dick sucked my 2 white bitches for a good 5 minties than i walked down to my third level and seen all my niggas their cooking coke and bagging my shit than walked down to the seconed level and got mad as fuck like wtf who deicede they was going to come and kill my niggas ughhh fuck this , this is war than i walked down to the first level and got even more pissed they killed alll my niggas i swear when i find out who did this ima kill they ass right ion the spot fuck talking straight bullets

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