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Lili sat at the world meeting beside her protective brother Switzerland, happy to be included in such an important event. Big bruder is so protective of me...she thought, it makes me happy to know that I'm so important and wanted, that he goes to all that trouble to protect little me.

All of a sudden, Switzerland stood up. "I have an announcement to make," he said, glancing at Liechtenstein. "Today is the annual anniversary of the day I found young Lili, and took her in. There's one thing I'd like to relate to that...I probably shouldn't have taken her in at all."

Everyone gasped. Lili's eyes went wide.

"That's right. I don't even want to protect her! All she is is a lonely gutter-girl, unimportant and weak. Why the hell should I be protecting trash?"

To Lili's surprise and horror, everyone nodded in agreement. Her little kitten voice rang out through the silent room. "But...but bruder...I thought I meant something to you... the day you rescued me...wasn't it because...someone actually loved me...?"

"Who the hell would love you?" Switzerland asked. Liechtenstein looked at the floor, and began to cry.

"I-I...thought I meant something..." The young blonde fled from the room, visions of her past mixed with tears blurring her vision.

She saw herself, during a rainstorm, weak and lifeless in the alleyway. A man extended a hand to her. Why save me?

There was nobody to protect her. The calm breeze felt like knives cutting through her skin. Nobody loved her. The birds soaring overhead looked like army fighter-jets. Nobody was here to help her, because nobody really needed her or wanted her. The soft caws from the crows hurt her ears and sounded like grenades exploding.

Nobody was there to protect her. Everyone, everything, her life, it was all a cruel ruse.

Unprotected and alone, she hated herself. She hated how weak she was. She wanted to be dead.

Wouldn't everyone be happy then?

Little Lili-flower, her petals torn and broken, like her soul. Little Lili-kitten, her meows twisted, like her cries for help.

Who was going to help her

When the person she needed saving from

Was herself?

Depressed Hetalia/Worst NightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now