Chapter Three: March 24, 2018

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I could not see where we were going, they had blindfolded me. I could not hear my surrounding, they put ear plugs in both my ears. I could not move, I was handcuffed and my feet were tied. I could feel that the road was smooth, so I assumed we were on a highway of some sort given the easy riding. It smelled like dirt in whatever type of vehicle I was in, that did not help much. Was I really that big of a threat to these people that I had to be tied down and disabled so much?

I sat in that car for what felt like a day before I was pulled out of the vehicle, still blindfolded and had ear plugs in, but my feet were untied. I walked into what I assume was a pretty large building considering they told me to walk up multiple sets of stairs. My blindfold was finally removed and my ear buds were finally taken out when I was sat down in what appeared to be close to a jail cell. My arms were still handcuffed, I sat on a chair in the middle of a dimly lit grey room with a desk in front of me. The lady who accompanied the two men that came barging into my house, entered the room I was in. That's when it finally hit me who she was.

"You were at my campus the other day." I said, frustrated and staring her down.

"I was. But if you haven't noticed, I was not looking for Decker Hall." she replied with a

smirk on her face.

"You don't say. You had to be a creep and stalk me apparently."

"Just looking into some research." she said as she opened up a file that she had brought

in with her.

"Who are you?"
"Cleo. I would ask you who you are, but obviously, I already know. Danny."

I would let out loud and sarcastic laugh. "Ha! It's Danielle to you." I would roll my eyes before continuing to speak, "What the hell do you want Cleo."

"I want to know about you."

"Tell me what you want to know and I'll decide if I have enough respect for you to answer correctly."

"Oh, you will show me respect Danielle." She would say slightly frustrated.

I smiled widely before saying, "Aw, look at that, you already listened to me." I clapped for her calling me the correct name with the best of my ability since my hands were still tied. "You're obviously scared of me if my hands are still handcuffed."

Cleo would start to get a little more frustrated, pulling out the key to my handcuffs and unlocks them. I responded by smiling as I rubbed my wrists before asking, "What do you want to know? Tell me what you know and than ask your questions. Cleo sighed to relax herself. "Your name is Danielle Smith, daughter of beloved Richard and Maria Smith. You have a younger brother named Josh and you live with him and your aunt in the house that we entered earlier today. You go to school to study criminal justice."

I clapped again, this time even louder considering I was not handcuffed anymore. "Now

what do you want to know." Without stuttering, in the most calmest way possible she asked, "Where is your father." I tilted my head in confusion and stayed silent for a couple minutes. Why was she ask about my father? He was dead, he died a year ago with an unknown cause. Cleo was staring at me, apparently waiting for an answer but I didn't have one. The best answer I could give her was that I truly did not know. But I knew I had to give some type of specific answer. I didn't know who these people were, for all I know, she can whip out a gun and shoot me if I didn't give her the answer she wanted. "He's dead, he has been for a year." Cleo laughed a little before saying "Yeah, uh huh, sure. And I'm a billionaire." Her comment aggravated me, but I tried my best not to react wrong. "He is. If you're looking for another answer, I'm not the one you should be asking." I sat back in my chair, crossing my arms and looked at the woman in front of me. We exchanged looks for about a minute before she got up, fixing her suit dress and walked out of the room. Two middle aged men walked in seconds after her and told me to get up and follow them.

We walked down a windowless hallway that almost looked like an airplane terminal. There was an office at each end of the hallway, when I looked into it, there was nothing but what appeared to be higher position offices with a computer and multiple files on each desk. We continued walking before we arrived in an elevator where they pressed the button for the basement. I felt bad for the two men. I haven't showered in I don't know how many hours, I had black leggings on with nike running shoes along with a black zip up sweatshirt on and my straight hair was thrown up in a long ponytail. When the elevator doors opened, it was quiet. Before me, everything was grey. It was yet another long hallway with multiple rooms on each side. It looked like a 2.0 version of any given prison. The moment the two large men and I started walking down the hallway, individuals in the rooms started opening their doors to look, but no one was helping me, they were just looking. Where the hell was I?

The men opened a door to a rather large room. "This is where you will be staying." I walked into the room. "Staying?" I asked as I turned around and the door closed behind me. The room consisted of a twin size bed with white sheets and a beige blanket and two pillows. A desk with a chair that had multiple drawers on the right hand side of the desk along with a bookshelf on top of it. In left corner of the room was another little room, I looked in to see that it was simply a bathroom with a toilet, sink and a walk in shower. I walked out and sat on my bed before saying exactly was on my mind. "Where the fuck am I?" After I said that there was a knock on my door. "Who the fu-", I said in my head before opening the door, looking up to a tall, dark hair, handsome dude who looked about my age. "Uh who are you? Can I um, help you?" He looked down at me, with a very calm look on his face before a smile began to curve at the side of his lips. "Just wanted to see who my new neighbor was, welcome."

"Thanks? I think. Where am I being welcomed to exactly?" I said as I crossed my arms looking at him confused.

"You don't know where you are?"


"You're in Washington D.C at a holding place for 'dangerous people'." he leaned against my door frame.

"How are we dangerous and who are we dangerous to exactly?" I looked at him.

He looked at me up and down before responding, "Great question."

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