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"Welcome to my facility." The man who offered to take you, Charles, and Raven in elaborated, you decided in your mind that you were just going to call him suit man. "My mission has been to investigate the application of paranormal powers in military defense."

"Or offense." Erik mumbled. You resisted the urge to elbow him in the gut.

"This guy Shaw, Schmidt, whatever you want to call him--" suit man continued, "he's working with the Russians. We might need your help to stop him."

"Might?" this time you whispered the sarcastic comment under your breath. It didn't go unnoticed by Raven, and the two of you gave a shared smile behind his back.

"Marvelous. So we are to be the CIA's new mutant division, yes?" Charles inquired.

"When you put it that way..." Raven grumbled and made a sour face, you couldn't help but nod in agreeance.

"Something like that." Suit man agreed.


"It's, uh, supersonic. The most advanced plane ever built." A teen wearing glasses explained the plane hanging on a wire, "you should see it in real life. It's incredible.

"Hank, these are the special new recruits I was telling you about." Suit man introduced your group with Hank, "this is Hank McCoy, one of our most talented young researchers." You met eyes with him and gave a polite nod and smile.

"How wonderful. Another mutant already here." Charles smiled and went to shake Hank's hand. You on the other hand, wanted to bang your head on the wall. "Why didn't you say?" he looked to suit man.

"Say what?" suit man looked at Charles confused.

'Charles you idiot!' you wailed in your mind. You hoped Charles was able to hear your cries.

"Because you don't know." Charles almost whispered out as he realized his mistake. He turned to Hank and profusely apologized, "I am so, so terribly sorry."

"Hank?" suit man gave Hank a questioning and almost betrayed glance.

"You didn't ask," Hank replied in a nearly shameful manner, "so I didn't tell."

"So your mutation is what?" Raven asked as she approached Hank, "you're super smart?"

You were once again internally screaming, Raven was quite a few years older than Hank, at least, mentally. Looks like that didn't mean anything, because she had the hormones of a raging teenager. 'Why?' you cursed in your head, 'why does everything need to have some sort of romantic motive?'

"I'll say," suit man answered, "Hank here graduated Harvard at the age of fifteen."

"I wish that was all it was." Hank muttered as he looked down in shame.

"You're among friends now, Hank. You can show off." Charles encouraged.

You tapped into Hank's emotions and gave him a boost of courage, and only a moment later he took off his shoes and socks to show off his feet which were more like hands instead of normal feet. However, you didn't think it was entirely due to you. Charles' words definitely helped.

Charles let out a chuckle as he took in Hank's mutation, "splendid."

"I'm sorry." Hank was once again feeling shame at his mutation, and you gave him another boost of courage to overcome his fears. What Charles said was true, none of you guys would judge Hank for his mutation.

"Yup, you-" Charles broke off what he was about to say when Hank did a flip in the air and grabbed onto the model plane he was showing off earlier with his feet. Charles let out a happy laugh.

"Ta-da!" Hank motioned.

Raven approached Hank's upside-down face, "you're amazing." She breathed.

You internally groaned and looked away but you could still hear Hank's shocked reply, "really?"


"Do you know where Raven went?" you ran up to Charles.

"Nope." Charles responded.

You nodded to show that you heard and sent your mind out to try and locate her. Once again, you wanted to groan out loud when you noticed that she and Hank were right next to her. You rolled your eyes and lightly jogged to their location, among finding the room, you turned yourself invisible and tiptoed into the room.

"Hank, this serum that you're making, it doesn't affect abilities, right?" Raven inquired, "just appearance? Normalizes it."

"Yeah." Hank confirmed.

"So you think it would work on me?" she asked.

"Well, I-I can look into it," Hank stuttered, "if you'd like. I mean, it's the least I can do after asking you to come down here with such a weird request." You raised an eyebrow, and what was this request?

Raven chuckled, "Well, I have to admit, usually when guys ask me out, they're not after my blood." You wanted to punch Hank, and Raven. Actually, you weren't sure what you wanted to do. Sure, Raven was technically older than you, but at the same time, she seemed so much younger than you.

"Uh, s-sorry." Hank was tripping over his words again, "I-I didn't intend to be forward. I was just-I was just excited." In any other situation, if a scientist asked for Raven's blood, you'd maul them, but, with Hank, you'd make an exception. Only because he was a mutant as well. "You know, uh, the-the nature of your mutation. If any genes hold the key to changing appearance, i-it's yours."

You stood up to leave the room, if you were here for any longer, you'd probably bash Raven's and Hank's heads together, then punch Hank. You made your way out of the room and carefully dodged Erik as he made his way in.


"I uh... I call it Cerebro." Hank explained as he led the group of you, Raven, Charles, and Erik into his machine.

Charles chuckled, "you..."

"As in spanish for 'brain'." Hank elaborated.

"Yes." Charles nodded.

You looked around at the array of machinery that Hank was able to build, it was really impressive.

Hank nervously fiddled with the control pad and began to explain how the machine worked, "okay, so, uh, the electrodes connect Charles to the transmitter on the roof." He pointed to mentioned electrodes and roof, "when he picks up a..." Hank trailed off and then cleared his throat, "mutant, his brain sends a signal through a relay, and then coordinates of their location are printed out here." He pointed to the typewriter that typed out all the coordinates.

"You designed this?" Raven asked in wonder.

"Yeah." Hank replied.

"Very impressive." You nodded.


You watched Charles put on the cap that connected him to Cerebro and Erik walk to stand in front of him, "what an adorable lab rat you make, Charles." Erik teased.

"Don't spoil this for me, Erik." Charles retorted.

"Oh I've been a lab rat." Erik continued, "I know one when I see one."

You felt your eyebrow twitch, you didn't understand how Charles could be so understanding of Erik. Just being in the same room as him angered you.

"Okay. Great." Hank hovered around Charles and the electrodes on his head, "are you sure we can't shave your head?" he inquired.

"Don't touch my hair." Charles snapped in reply. You stifled a laugh, you were definitely going to bring that up later.

Hank looked at the machine, "okay. It's working."

Charles began to yell and the entire room lit up with activity. Coordinates were frantically being written down, lights blared, sensors whizzed back and forth, and the excitement coming from Hank and Charles was almost too much for you to handle.

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