I love you Man

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-This is a Larry x Female reader-

I apologize for the lack of customization, but it is very hard for me to write a complete custom story. However if you are of a different audience, and would like more relatable content please tell me, and I will make sure to add that to the writing style. Please enjoy.


" I think she's dead man " A raspy voice spoke from over me a sob following in suite.

" The impact shouldn't have caused any brain, or critical damage, maybe a black eye. " another voice said, a bit more nasally then the last. The ringing in my ear made it hard to decipher the voices, but they sounded familiar none the less.

"She's waking up!" another voice said as I began to open my eyes, my head beginning to throb do to the exposure of light to my corneas.

" W-what happened " I spoke up my voice broken, and raspy, as if I had been sleeping for days.

" You seemed to have come in contact with an object..." the blob with red hair said pausing to push his glasses up his nose.
"...With your face." he added just as my vision cleared to reveal my three best friends in front of me. I groaned in both pain, and embarrassment, the memory of me running into the tree branch finally flooding in.

"You were out for hours it seemed like." Sal said walking closer , and examining the purple bruise now forming under my eye. "It looks bad Todd, should we tell an adult?" he questioned worriedly. Todd just shook his head.

"I examined it closely, and she shouldn't have a concussion, the bruise should leave in about a week or so, anyways if we go in one of the adults will just flood her with questions, and it would be best if she just rest right now, over thinking could give her a headache on top of the pain she's already in." todd answered. I gave a curt nod to Sal, agreeing with Todd's statement.

"I agree, anyways I'm fine Sal, I've handled more, this is nothing" I said reassuring Sal, seemingly that he understood he gave a nod back.

"We should probably head back inside, the chip should be done connecting to the motherboard now Sally Face" Todd spoke up grabbing Sal's attention away from my eye.

"Well if you need anything let me know." Sal said turning back to me before picking up his Gearboy from the ground.

"Of course Sal" He waved goodbye to me, and Larry, who apparently had been there the whole time. I turned away from the descending boys to face Larry who was standing behind me the whole time. I was surprised to see his face stained with tears. His nose surrounded in red blotchy spots, and his bags now red and puffier then usual.

"Larry..." I said stepping towards him, his figure now towering over me "What happened are you okay?" I finished my eyebrows knit together in confusion. Was there something I missed while I was out?

"I'm fine man, just scared that's all." He said wiping his eyes. I immediately stepped forward, and wrapped my arms around his figure, my head in his chest do to our difference in height.

" What scared you? " I asked just as confused as before. He looked down at me his eyes softening lightly do to my worried expression.

"You did man." he said scratching the back of his neck softly. "When I saw you run into the branch, and faint... I-I didn't know what to do man, I froze up, all I could do was drop by your side, and hold you, thank god Sal and Todd walked out here when they did. If they didn't I don't know what I would have done. I was a mess man." he admitted his face flushed slightly. I froze in shock. My eyes widened slightly, his words had influenced a whole set of new emotions. Truth is I've had a crush on the male for as long as I've known him, and his words had sparked a hope that maybe he had liked me too, but knowing my luck, I couldn't expect for that to be the truth, but it sure did make it feel good to hear those words. I looked up into his eyes again. My own watering slightly for a reason unknown by my self. I smiled however.

" Larry, it's fine. The fact you stayed with me means everything to me. I couldn't have asked for you to do anything else." I said softly bringing my hand up to rest on his chest. He grabbed my hand and held it causing me to jump slightly in surprise, my heart raced due to his touch.

"If I ever lost you, I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I can't lose anyone else. Especially not you, I love you man" he said tears now streaming down his face. Never had I expected this reaction from him, the usually calm and collected person he usually was seemed to have cracked at the seems. I stepped forward and embraced him again this time he had embraced me in return hugging me as if he let go I would disappear. His words played through my mind like a broken record. I love you. I love you. I wanted so badly for it to be in the way I felt towards him, but the chances of  that were slim. I backed away and wiped a tear from under his eye. He grabbed my hand, and pressed it against his face.

" I love you too Larry, I won't leave, I promise. " I whispered my eyes soft. It was the truest thing I had ever said, and my heart melted when he seemed to have relaxed at my promise. He stopped crying for a bit, and he let go of my hand, only to drop his hand to my waste.

" I'm sorry for crying, man what a way to ruin your reputation in front of your crush" he said softly. My eyes widened at his words. Crush? He seemed confused until he seemingly realised what he had said. "I-i I'm sorry I didn't me-" he started. He sighed in defeat as he stumbled on his words. I brought my hand and ran it through his hair, and then wrapped them around his neck. He was confused till I stood on my tiptoes, and pulled him down only to connect my lips with his. He immediately responded, tightening his grip on my waste and bringing us closer together. I leaned back for air. My eyes held a sparkle, and I smiled brightly, a smile in which Larry returned. His face brightening as if he had never cried at all.

"Don't ever apologize for saying that" I started pulling at the ends of his hair lightly. " At Least you didn't head butt a branch in front of your crush" I said jokingly. He only laughed and shook his head.

"I knew you liked headbanging, but I didn't know you meant with branches" he continued a chuckle erupting from his mouth, a sound like music to my soul. A pink blush spread to my ears, and I looked down slightly. Only for my head to be lifted by Larry, he connected our gaze, and smirked before bringing his head inches from mine. His lips kissed under my eye softly as to not hurt my bruise. I closed my eyes in pleasure. He continued the trail of kisses down my face to my chin where he stopped. My  eyes opened noticing his hesitation. "I've never done this before man, I've never felt this feeling before, and its crazy but addicting. I want to hold you forever and never let you go..." he paused again and closed his eyes. "Sorry for being all sappy, this is new to me" he said a smile on his face contrasting to the mood he had set.

"Me either, but all I know is I want you too." I said reassuring any doubt he had. He slammed his lips to mine taking me back shortly, his hands traveled to the small of my back and back up my hips. He leaned away to kiss down my neck, and to my collarbone. I leaned my head back to give him more room. When he finally pulled away he laid his forehead against mine. His lips slightly swollen.

" I really do love you man. " he said finally.

"I love you too."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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