Chapter 3

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Violet's POV

"Violet. Violet! VIOLET!" I heard the teacher yell my name before finally snapping away from my thoughts. "Since you cannot seem to focus now, I think after school detention will serve you well." I groaned in response as she left my desk. I placed my ear bud in and covered if with my hair as I began listening to Best Friends by the Janoskians. I cannot believe that Lily is giving me a ticket for their show next Saturday. This is literally the one thing I have waited for since I found out about the Janoskians.

"Violet!" Lily yelled shaking me shoulder. "Class is over." I nodded and grabbed my books.

We headed to our last class and I zoned out again. I was thinking of a million different things at once. I was thinking about whether or not mom was going to be able to save the house, next Saturday at the show, Ethan and what he is capable of, and so much more. Class seemed to drag on and on, so I just kept finding things to think about. I would do anything than to listen to Mrs. Johnson drag on and on about the French and Indian War.

The bell finally rang signalling the end of school, and Lily and I started to head out.

"Miss. Smith, I really do hope that you are not planning on skipping detention. It sure would be a shame to have to suspend you for failure to follow directions," Mrs. James spat behind me. I stopped and looked at Lily.

"Go ahead. I would hate for you to get suspended. I'll see you tomorrow. I can find my way to the bus," Lily said. I nodded and she headed out towards the bus ramp. I turned around and say Mrs. James's raging eyes glaring at me. She still held that devilish grin on her face. I sighed loudly and followed her back to her room.

As soon as we arrived to Mrs. James's room, she placed a large stack of papers on my desk and I glared at her. "Um, what is this?" I asked sounding rather rude.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did you say something? Surely you did not believe that you could get away with listening to music in my class and then utterly disrespecting me. Oh no, that does not fly in my room. That work is due by the end of the hour. Whatever is incomplete will be counted for as a zero and will be counted in your final grade. I suggest you get started now, Miss Smith. Time is not on your side." I groaned very loudly and glared at Mrs. James in which she returned a smile.

I placed the work on her desk at the end of the hour.

"Finished?" Mrs. James said with an evil smirk.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I replied and stormed out. In fact, I did finish the work. I headed to the doors to see that someone was out front standing beside a black car.

"Violet! Over here!" the person yelled. I walked closer to see that it was Lily.

"Lily, what the h*ll are you doing here? How did you get a car?" I asked in shock.

"Well, my dad let me borrow the car when I told him I made a new friend but that you 'missed the bus', so I have been waiting here for you to get out of detention. How was it?" she asked giggling.

"Peachy," I replied but couldn't help but smile. I walked over to the car and got in.

"Where to?" Lily asked as we pulled out of the parking lot of the school.

"How about we go get some ice cream and I can show you around town?" She nodded and I told her which way to drive. We lived about an hour away from the center of Savannah so we decided to take a tour in downtown. 

We pulled up to a little side street near River Street and found a small ice cream shop. We decided to park the car and just walk around since it was always packed on River Street. When we got down to the street, we walked around to a couple of the shops and bought some hoodies and other souvenirs since neither of us would really get to come down here often. We walked into the candy store and bought about two pounds of candy before walking down beside the water. It was First Saturday, the first Saturday of each month they would hold a vendors booth thing and they had sales, face painting, live entertainment, etc. It was one of the main reasons why I loved it down here. We both got our face painted before walking over to the stage. There was a dance studio there performing, so we watched them perform. Then, a girl sang a few songs before someone with brown hair and a scar across his cheek got on stage to perform. My heart sank immediately as I recognized the person. I grabbed Lily's wrist and pulled her back up the street moving as fast as possible.

"What's going on?!" Lily kept asking.

"Just hush and move! We can't be here!" 

We finally made it back to her car and as soon as we got in I locked the door and scanned my surroundings to make sure he wasn't following us.

"Drive. I'll explain later." Lily nodded and drove. I told her directions back to her house and we got out. We walked inside and I was still shaking. 

"Do you mind telling me what the h*ll happened back there?" Lily asked obviously upset.

"M-my ex boyfriend was the last person on stage. He is supposed to be in prison.."


"H-he abused me a-and touched me." My voice was shaking and I felt a tear slip down my cheek. How did he get out?


Chapter 3! What do you guys think? What will happen to Violet? Will Ethan find her?

Listening to: If It Means A Lot To You - A Day To Remember

Love you guys. <3

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