Chapter 10

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Violet's POV

I had a dreamless sleep, and was awoken by the sound of knocking at the hotel door. I slowly got out of bed and walked over to the door and looked to see who it was. I looked through the peephole in the door to find that Lily was standing on the other side with her suitcase. I quickly unlocked the door and opened it, allowing her to come in and hugged her.

"Oh my gosh Lily. It took long enough!" I said jokingly. She laughed and took her suitcase over to the other bed in the room. I closed and relocked the door before walking over to my bed and sat down. Lily did that same on the bed across from me and we both just sighed.

"So, how was your flight?" I asked trying to fill the silence.

"It was good; there were a bunch of people at the airport being that everyone was getting off work and waiting to catch flights. It went smoothly and I had no trouble through security or baggage claim when I landed which was good." I nodded showing that I was listening, but my mind couldn't help but wander off in the process. "I know it's a touchy subject, but I don't want to waste more time thinking about it. Can you please explain what happened back at school?"

I just sighed and told her everything that happened up until the Varsity. I decided not to tell her what happened between Jai and I and wait until we could talk. Problem is, I'm not sure when that would be.

"So yeah, that's all that has happened up until now." Lily just nodded in response. "Are you hungry? The hotel has a buffet that is free to guests if you want to go down there."

"Sure, I could go for some food." Lily replied. I smiled and then walked over to the mirror to look at my appearance. I pulled my hair down and ran my fingers through it to allow it to have a natural curl; I wiped the sleep out of my eyes; I then changed into an All Time Low band shirt and a pair of Daisy Duke's (booty shorts).

"You ready?" I asked Lily and she nodded in response. I grabbed the room key, my phone, and wallet before slipping on my black high tops. Lily and I walked down the hallway to the elevator before pressing the button to go down to the lobby. When the elevator stopped on the bottom floor, Lily and I stepped out and headed towards the dining area with the buffet. I went towards the drink machine and bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going," I said before looking up.

Oh no.

Luke's POV

"That was weird..." Daniel said filing the silence after Jai left.

"Yeah, I wonder what happened." James said. I just shrugged not going to let his problems bring me down right now. We were in Atlanta!

We all headed out to the car and climbed in. Beau got in the driver's seat and I was in the passenger with James and Daniel in the back. I pulled out a map of Atlanta and looked at it.

"Do you guys want to go to the world of Coke?"

"Wait, what? They have a world of coke here. Like the drug?" I laughed at Daniel's comment and shook my head no.

"No d*ckhead. Coca-cola. The drink." There were "oh"s coming from everyone in the car before we decided to head to the place.

We had a great time at the coke factory, but it made us extremely tired, so we decided to just head back to the hotel. We arrived at the hotel and asked the receptionist which room we were in and took the elevator to the floor with our room on it. We finally found our room and knocked on it.

"Jai!! Open the f***ing door!" I yelled before Jai finally came to open the door. We all rushed in and threw our suitcases down. All of is sat down on the bed across from Jai and starred at him.

"What!?" he yelled obviously agitated.

"What the h*ll happened back there!? Why did you guys run out?" Beau asked.

"Look, I don't want to talk about it! Don't worry about it. Let's go get some food," Jai replied before standing up and rushing to the door. We all hurried out after him. What was going on?

Jai's POV

After I left the diner, I decided just to come back to the hotel and sleep to get my mind off of things. I was awoken by the sound of the guys practically beating down the door. I rolled out of bed and opened the door only to be trampled.

They kept questioning about what happened with Violet and I and I really didn't want to tell them, nor did I know how to explain it myself. I just decided to go get food from the buffet in the lobby and left before anyone could object.

I walked over to the drink machine beside the buffet to find that a tall girl with dark brown, almost black hair was standing in front of me. I recognized that figure immediately.



What do you think? o: Who is ready for a secret surprise!!??

Happy 4th of July to any of my fellow American readers!

Listening to: Heartbreak Girl - 5 Seconds of Summer

What is your favorite holiday?

Mine would have to be either Christmas or Halloween.

Love you guys

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