You Want What?

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"Miss Marinette, Mr. Agreste would like to speak to you," Gabriel Agreste's assistant, Nathalie, told the nervous girl that was waiting in the entry of the Agreste mansion.

Marinette followed Nathalie up the stairs and around countless corners until they reached a door that opened up to what looked like a conference room. Marinette looked around the room, noting the huge table in the center with two people sitting down at it, a blonde boy was standing up, his hands flat on the table as he said, "But, Father, why do-"

When Marinette opened the door, the boy got quiet and both figures turned their head towards the door. One was a man with what Marinette could only call a pointed face and gray hair along with round glasses. The other was a young boy with green eyes and blond hair, one that she recognized from junior high. Adrien Agreste sat down as Marinette apologized. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Agreste. Do you want me to come back another time?"

"No, come sit down, Ms. Dupain-Cheng," Mr. Agreste replied, sending a glare in Adrien's direction, who just looked away and muttered a greeting.

Marinette took her seat as Mr. Agreste started to speak. "Ms. Dupain-Cheng, how old are you now?"

She was surprised by this question, but replied by saying, "Uh, 18, sir."

Mr. Agreste nodded, seeming to speak this part to himself, "The same age as Adrien." Then, louder, Mr. Agreste said, "I am willing to offer you a position at my company." Marinette felt her heart soar, but then heard him speak again. "On one condition." She nodded, looking at him to continue. "You will have an arranged marriage with my son."

Marinette's jaw dropped. "Uh, I'm sorry, Mr. Agreste, what did you say?" she asked, sure that she'd heard incorrectly.

"He said that he'd offer you a job if you got married to me," Adrien said, seeming frustrated. "Father already talked to me about it."

"Well, would you want to do it?" Marinette asked.

Adrien shrugged. "I have no say in the matter."

"Mr. Agreste, I cannot do this without Adrien's consent," Marinette told that designer.

"How about you work for me and you two have six months to decide whether or not you'll want to get married. Does that sound fair?" Mr. Agreste asked.

Marinette glanced back at Adrien, hesitating, before she replied. "Yes, sir."

"Okay. You two will have a schedule to follow and I will have Nathalie make it tonight. Come here tomorrow and you will get it, Ms. Dupain-Cheng. May I call you Marinette?" Mr. Agreste said.

"Yes, Mr. Agreste," the girl replied.

"Thank you. You are dismissed," Mr. Agreste said and Marinette walked over to shake his and Adrien's hands before she left.


Once Marinette got back home to the bakery, she walked up to her room and called Alya. After two rings, there was a sleepy, "Hello?"

"Alya, don't tell me you stayed up all night again," Marinette said.

"Maybe?" was Alya's reply.

Marinette sighed. "Well, I have some big news to tell you."

That seemed to wake Alya up as she said, "Go on."

"Do you remember that I had the biggest crush on Adrien when we were in junior high?" Marinette asked.

"Yeah. What about it?" Alya asked.

"Well, Gabriel Agreste offered me a job on one condition - I marry Adrien," Marinette said, letting the last three words out in a rush.

"Please tell me you said yes," Alya said.

"Well, I kind of said no... But, before you freak out, we compromised with I get a job and Adrien and I have six months to decide whether or not to get married," Marinette explained.

"Well, that's good I guess? But why didn't you just say yes in the first place?" Alya asked.

"Adrien didn't seem like he wanted it. So I said no," Marinette explained.

Suddenly, there was some yelling on the other end and Alya said, "Have fun with that. Nino just got here, so I have to go."

"Okay. Bye," I said and hung up the phone.

I collapsed on my bed and quickly fell asleep.

A/N: Hey everyone. Thanks for reading! Please comment anything you'd like to suggest or say. Thanks!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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