"Trust Issues": A Harry Styles Fanfic: chapter 7

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The next day you finally recieve a text from Harry in the afternoon saying:

“Hey babe I wanna take you to a restaurant on a date,to make up for me ditching you yesterday”

You reply:

“Right now? and why did you leave me yesterday anyways?”

He replies saying:

“Yeah right now! In fact I’m on my way to your house right now so get ready and I left yesterday becouse some things came up,no big deal” he texts.

You text him back saying:

“Okay Im going to get ready now and alright bye!”

-At the restaurant-

“Hey babe what would you like to order?” He asks you.

“I don’t know….hmmmmm” you say.

“How about the lobster?” He says.

“Is it good?” you ask.

“Yes really good” he says luaghing,you start luaghing too then all of a sudden you spot Louis motioning you to go talk to him.

“Hey Harry I’ll be right back” You say.

“Okay babe” He says.

-You go over to where Louis is and he drags you outside through the exit-

“What is it Louis?” You say. “Can’t you see me and Harry are on a date?” You say angrily.

“I know Crystal but it’s very important” He says.

“Okay what is it?” you say.

“Well….I finally got the proof that Harry’s cheating on you” Louis says.

~Your heart skips a beat~

“What?” You say.

“Yeah I got the proof,Look” he says and Louis shows you a picture of Harry kiss THE GIRL again.

“I also have a video of Harry and that girl hanging out after he ditched you” Louis says and then shows you a video,and in the video Harry and the girl and playing around,teasing each other and doing a lot of kissing…..it also shows them talking about how Harry’s leading you on!

Then the video ends after it shows Harry and the girl saying goodbye to each other.

~You stand there in shock,then finally you burst into tears~

“Oh my gosh Louis you were right! Why did I ever doubt you!” You say. “I’m sorry” you add.

“It’s alright Crystal I don’t blame you,but what are you going to do now?” Louis asks you.

“I don’t know you say…I guess I’m going to have to confront him” you say.

“Okay Crystal I just hope things don’t get fucked up for you” He says.

“Trust me,things are already fucked up” you say wiping away your tears as you head back inside the restaurant.

“Oh hey babe there you are!” Harry says.

“What are you going to order?” He asks you.

“Actually Harry I don’t feel like eating right now,why don’t we just go to my house and hang out?” You say.

“Alright babe whatever you want” He says.

-After a short ride you and Harry arive at your house-

“Okay babe what do you wanna do?” Harry asks you,you two now inside the house.

“Ummm…well Harry I wanted to talk to you” You say.

“About what?” He asks.

“About how you’ve been cheating on me” You say.

“What? Cheating on you?” he says.

“Yes Harry,I know that you’ve been cheating on me with that girl you kissed before!” You say.

“No I’m not!” He shouts.

“Yes you are! I have proof!” You say.

“You’re lying! I bet you don’t really have proof!” He says.

“Yes I do! I have a video of you and that girl hanging out after you ditched me and you two were flirting and kissing and talking about how you were leading me on and I also have a picture of you two kissing!” You say.

“Well you say you have proof,but where is it?” He asks.

“It’s with Louis” You say.

“With Louis? why would…wait,I bet it was him that took the video and photo and showed it to you!” He says.

“Yup you’re exactly right” You say.

“That little bitch” Harry says.

“Hey don’t say shit about my friend! and either wat what are you mad about? I would have found out anyway!” You say.

“I’m mad about plenty of things” He says.

“Well I don’t care becouse we are over!” You shout.

“Fine!” He shouts and leaves.

You watch him angrily get in his car and leave and you start crying,realizing what you had just donw….

But maybe it was for the best…..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2012 ⏰

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