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She woke next to a knife, lying on the cold, bare ground. Her mind was reeling as she sat up. Stable vision was a thing of the past as dots appeared before her eyes. How had she gotten here? A groan escaped her lips as the gripped her head. She stood slowly with the knife in her hand. Tears glided down her cheeks and she knew what she wanted.

Her delicate fingers slid the knife over her small limbs. Cut after cut ravished her limbs. She felt no pain on her body, just in her mind. Blood covered the concrete floor around her.

Where was the relief? There was always supposed to be relief, never before had her mind continued her torture after the relief.

The torture had not yet began. The love of her life appeared in front of her. She was immediately terrified. He had never seen this side of her, she kept it hidden for a reason.

His usually loving face was filled with disgust. Disgust because of her. He shook his head slowly at her as she fell to her knees in tears. "You're not supposed to be here," she cried out. She looked up at his face, longing for the comfort he normally provided. All that he held in him was disgust. She'd never seen that from him before.

"You're a freak," he stated. Her head shook violently as more tears fell harder. "Ugly, fat, worthless, unloved," he finished.

"But you love me," she choked on her words. Her voice cracked with brokenness.

"I never loved you," his voice was void of all emotion. "You don't deserve love; you can't even love yourself." He shook his head and grabbed the bloody knife from her shaking hands. Her tears flowed harder than ever before, assuring her that the stains were permanent.

"You'll never be loved." His lips kissed her forehead in a gesture that was usually comforting. Now it was torturous as his lips found the tip of her nose and finally her lips. Their lips moved together as he lifted the knife to her neck. The pain of the knife sliding across it went unnoticed as his lips stayed against hers. A scream emitted from her lips as his were pulled away. Unfamiliar pain shot through her body as she fell to the floor. The one who betrayed her being her last sight before darkness engulfed her.


Annabelle shot up from her bed. Tears covered her cheeks as screams escaped her throat. Her whole body was shaking with fear. It was the worst nightmare she had yet. Yes, they were continuous but it had never been so bad. The boy from the dream was like no boy she had ever seen.

As soon as she saw him her heart swelled. Never had she felt so strongly for a stranger. She had no idea who he was.

She shook her head before leaving her bed. Living with her best friend had it's perks. Eve was used to her outbursts at night, and could almost always sleep right through it.

Quickly her feet padded across her pure white carpet into her bathroom. She showered and dried her long brown hair as fast as possible. The only make-up she put on was eyeliner and mascara. She never wanted to draw attention to herself.

Annabelle was different from a lot of people. She had a lot of secrets.

Since the age of nine she knew she didn't like herself. She soon slipped into depression but no one but Eve was aware. Eve was upset that Annabelle never smiled, and that she covered certain areas of scar-covered skin.

Annabelle wasn't stick thin, she had curves that everyone secretly adored but she hated. Her skin had a slight tan that brought out her dark brown eyes and light brown hair. Eve envied how perfect she looked one hundred percent of the time.

And she blamed Annabelle's father for the entire mess.

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