When will it end??

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Annabeth Chase has updated her status:

I have figured it out


Leo Valdez: figured out what??

Piper McLean: What Percy and Frank's costume is she's been sitting in her cabin and refusing to come out until she figured it out.

Frank Zhang: That's that funky smell when you walk past the Athena cabin!!!! Annabeth Chase when's the last time you showered???

Annabeth Chase: About a week and a half why do you ask???

Leo Valdez: No reason *puts on toxic waste suite*

Jason Grace: Come on Leo she can't smell that bad

Annabeth Chase: Thank you Jason at least we have one nice boy around speaking of boys where's Percy??

Leo Valdez: He's in his room doing last minute costume things for the party in a week.

Frank Zhang: OH and Annabeth I thought you figured out our costume

Annabeth Chase: Yes you guys are gonna be......Leo drum roll please

Leo Valdez: bruuuummmmmmmm

Annabeth Chase: Tom and Jerry

Percy Jackson: Not even close


Leo Valdez: now will you shower Annabeth???

Annabeth Chase: Yeah maybe it will clear my head from all of this!! Man I need a life

Piper McLean: You can say that again

Annabeth Chase: :'(

I hope you enjoy maybe next chapter I'll make it the costume party maybe not muhahahahahaha just kidding it's gonna be in 3 chapters I own none of these amazing charcters :'( until

next time demigods^*^!!!!!!!!!

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