Kaulder x Reader

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^^ There are your choices for tails.


Me and Kaulder have been friends for a long time. Today was the day you were going to meet his team. I was so happy. Once he came, he lead my to a grotto which had a red ship. He climbed out and carried me to the pool. We made it there with out being seen and he told me the plan."I am going to call the team here and then you can do a trick out of the water to surprise them. Ok?" "Ok"

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"Team, I have a surprise" I faintly head Kaulder say. "What is it?" I heard another voice say. I'm guessing it was🐤. The many footsteps could be heard as they aproched (can't spell) the pool. I quickly got some speed and did a jump out of the pool. (Play the video) On my way down I saw a smile on his face. I quickly went to the surface and said hi. I was greeted by many kind people.

That was how I met my new best friends.

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