Chapter 1

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"Calum, I don't want to, I'm supposed to get three teeth pulled today!" I whine to Calum.

"You have to. Plus, it's just your brother, he's not going to hurt you. Just like me not hurting you, this is the same thing"  he tried to reassure me.

"Calum, I don't think you understand. Getting three teeth pulled and a metal spacer in, just because of something that braces can fix? How would you react" I scream at him. After my mom died, the guys thought it would be best for Michael, Luke, Calum, and Ashton to do everything dealing with health for me. Michael was my dentist and my orthopedic, Calum was my primary doctor, Luke was my cardiologist, and Ashton was my phycologist, which is where when you are having a panic attack, need someone to hold you down, or think that a tradegy is your fault and it's causing health problems, he's your guy.

"Okay? And? Would you rather a stranger do it? Or your brother and his best friends?" "You guys. Thanks for knocking some sense into me," I replied, realizing he was right. "Thanks for finally agreeing with me, Megan" he says, then squeezes me, making all of my worries disappear.

It was time to leave, which was the time I was dreading the most. I knew they all had to be gentle on me, but the general thing itself wasn't meant to not cause any pain. "Mikey, do you have to?" was the first thing I said to him when we arrived. He responded happily with, "Actually, I looked, and you only need that cavity out, and you're done," which obviously made me tackle him with a hug, my eyes filled with tears.

"Megan, I'm going to need you to talk to me so I know for sure when you're out, so you don't see anything," Mikey said, holding my cold hands in his. I started talking about my appointments to see the others, and how I was Mikey's only patient today, so he could go with us, then do his work in orthopedics. I was out like a light, probably because of how much Mikey had to drug me.

I woke up loopy, on the couch in Mikey's office at the hospital. I can't remember anything that happened, which is probably a good thing. Then as if on cue, I fell asleep again.

I woke up again, in Calum's arms. This time, I wasn't loopy, thank God. "Told you it wasn't going to be that bad," Calum says, noticing I'm awake. I immediately started crying in his arms. "Calum, it hurts," I cried. He held me closer, taking me to one of his extra exam rooms. He then paged the other guys, because he knew none of them were busy.

This exam room wasn't like any other. It had dentists stuff and the stuff that the other guys would need. Calum laid me in the dentist chair and leaned it back, waiting for Mikey. "What's wrong," Michael said, bursting through the door. "You said it's not supposed to bother her at all, but she's crying her eyes out, something's wrong," and as Cal finishes saying that, Luke and Ash hurry in too.

"Luke, start warming up your stethoscope so she doesn't freeze any more than she already is. That infection could have spread to her heart. I'll start feeling for fluid in any of the common or rare areas," Michael commands, worrying me even more. Luke then stuck the stethoscope under my shirt, and a puzzled look showed up on his face. This can't be good.

"Guys, she has a murmur. It's not that bad, but we're going to have to put her on drugs, and just hope they work in time. I don't want to have to operate on her," Luke gently smiled down at me, noticing I was scared. He had a hurt look in his eyes, and he pulled me into his chest. "Can we go home? Calum and Luke, I need my cuddle buddies," I sniffled, looking at Luke and Calum. "Sure," they reply in unison, Ash sticking the IV into my arm and putting drugs into my body. I assume for the murmur.

I woke up with a pain in my back, and I could tell it wasn't good. I woke Calum and Luke up, making Luke go get Mikey. I squeezed Calum, hoping it would go away. "Megan, we're taking you to the hospital so we can use an exam room. It's okay, and I'm pretty sure it's just fluid in your back, no biggie," Mikey said as Calum picked me up, walking to their truck. He let me sit in his lap, but only because I was in pain.

When we arrived, Calum ran to the exam room from earlier, still carrying me. He set me down on the bed, and Michael started feeling from my neck all the way down my spine, a frown forming on his face. "You're going to need a spinal tap," he informed us. I don't know why, but I burst out into tears. I nervously asked, "Mikey, what's a spinal tap?" He held my hands and answered, "It's just where we put in a needle to get all the fluid out of your spine. It's really simple, but if we don't do it now, you're going to need surgery."

"Guys, when they did the annual school blood draw, I passed out because of the needle. Plus, at the last one a few days ago, I passed out just because Calum wasn't the one putting the needle in me," I informed them, looking specifically at Calum. He grinned and Michael spoke up saying, "Since Calum's your primary doctor, he's allowed to be in there, and because I know you so well, I'm going to let you guys cuddle, but only to keep you relaxed, and feeling safe and comforted. I just don't want to have to stop it because my little sister passed out."

"You have to take all your clothes, except your pants. I won't look at your boobs, I promise," Calum informed me. I didn't want to, but I had no choice. "Calum, do you think Mikey would let me keep my bra on? I'm not comfortable with you two seeing that," I whined. He knew I was uncomfortable, He's known me all my life. "I'm sure Mikey can work around your bra, but if not, I'm so sorry," Cal reassured me, motioning for me to take off my shirt. Michael walked in, all scrubbed up, ready to do it. I really didn't want him to do this to me.

I knew I couldn't hold in my tears, so why even attempt to? I got up and ran to Mikey, sobbing. "I want Calum to put the needle in, you can do the rest," I sobbed into his scrubs. He looked at Calum, an annoyed look on both their faces. "The only reason I won't let Calum do it is because he doesn't know how, it's not in his profession. If he did it, you'd be in loads of pain. As much as getting a chest tube shoved into you, and trust me, you don't want that much pain if it's not necessary.

Eventually, I gave in and let Mikey do the spinal tap while I was cuddling with Calum. l fell asleep in his arms, thank God.

I woke up and Michael was pulling the needle out as gently as possible. I looked up at Calum and started to cry. I was scared Mikey would mess up and hurt me. I didn't want that.

Calum handed me his shirt as Michael finished. Michael let me put it on, then carried me out to his truck, this time him holding while Calum drove. Luke and Ashton decided to walk home because of how long it would take.

We pulled up to the house and Michael carried me to his room.

A/N: If you know anything about their professions, comment. Updates will be slow because I write and edit before I publish, and my older brother just passed away. Also comment any suggestions, or anything you think would make it better. I love reading feedback from you guys, whether it's positive or negative.

-xx- Megan

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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